Chapter Two

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~Chapter 2~

I was sitting on the chair in the meeting room while waiting for the clock to strike nine. Chris was sitting beside me, and for some reason he was talking about what he was doing today before coming to his first day of work. While he was babbling some of his nonsense, I was thinking: one day, I hope to become as successful as Charles Anderson. He was the most well known reporter, he even have a few fandom of his own. Also, I have a somewhat small little crush on him, like the people who are crazy over their favorite pop star idol. Well, mine is something close to that kind of crush.

The door of the meeting room burst open, a group of people streamed into the room. And guess what? One of them was Charles Anderson! An uncontrollable smile then cracked across my face. Everybody in the room stood up to greet.

"Welcome everyone to your first day of work, I'm Charles Anderson and this would be Brenda who will be your team leader during your intern days. As you all know, during your intern days, we will observe you and after a period of time, we will assign every one of you to the departments which you guys are strong in." Charles said. I couldn't wait to get started. We were then paired up and given tasks to work on, I was paired up with Chris and we were asked to write an article about the latest celebrity news. Did I tell you that I was a reporter for an entertainment news industry?

Since we didn't know much about pop idols, we went to the internet to search about a popular celebrity, Celina. Articles of Celina popped out on the computer screen, as i browsed through the articles, most of them were saying that she was seen dating actor, James. Some even said that they saw them getting into the car together and some even said that they were seen going into Celina's apartment. Also, other recent article said that Jones liked a certain expensive shoe brand; I thought that might be useful and jot it down in my notebook. We decided to look more into it and hope when we publish this article; it would be a big hit.

The first day of work just ended like that as I made my way home. Suddenly, someone bumped into me making my bag pack drop on the floor; he then helped me put my bag pack back on my shoulders and ran away. The scene from this morning then flashed through my mind, the guy that was following me, looked a lot like this guy. I was starting to get suspicious.

"Hi dad," I called out as I walked into the cafe, sighing. My dad was already closing the cafe.

"Is there anything troubling you?" he asked while he wiped the tables clean.

"A little?" I replied, still thinking about that suspicious guy.

"What's wrong?" daddy asked.

"Today, when going out to work, there was this guy who kept following me and just a while ago, that same guy bumped into me making my bag drop onto the floor. It feels like he's stalking me or something. The worse thing is that I could only see his lower part of his face,"

"Oh, then how do you know it was the same person?"

"Don't you know I have really sharp eyes?" I said as I help dad close the cafe. He giggled.

I then made my way outside and continue to gather the things from the outside to bring it inside the cafe, when I saw two bright lights shining on to my face, I squinted and slowly walked towards it. After a certain distance, I noticed it was a car stopping at the road side, as I got closer to the car, the car quickly drove off. I then stood there stunned and retreated back into the cafe after a moment.

"I'm going up now, good night dad." I said when I returned into the cafe.

"Good night,' he replied.

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