The kids of the biggest Mafia's in the world. Two "innocent" looking high schoolers. But in reality they are the most dangerous people, but just don't want to show it. Their families are best friends but they don't know that. Unfortunately, love get...
Everyone: GO Y/N Teacher: Whoa y/n I never knew you could dance Principal: everyone evacuate school, there is a fire due to the heat and half of the school is burned, the fire alarm was off, school will be opened again in 2 months, I repeat evacuate school. Teacher: Oh no, students get your things, we are going home, we need to get out of this school in a safe way Jennie,Rose,Jisso: Y/n we will be staying in your house Y/n: Ok At the door We were in my house but I stopped when I saw two puppies in my door sleeping, I picked them up carefully Rose: There is a note Jisso picked up the note and started reading the note Jisso: Hello, I know this may be weird, seeing two little puppies at your door but I saw that you were rich and I'm not, these little puppies were my mum's favourite puppies,my mom is not in this world anymore and I can't take care of the dogs anymore. Please take care of them Thank you! After Jisso was done reading the note, I had tears in my eyes Y/n: I will take care of these little fellows Rose: And we will help! Y/n: Thanks, Rose I have my key in my backpack ,open the door please Rose: Okay Rose opened the door and I ran to my room to put the puppies in my bed Jennie: Y/n you have three dog rooms, where are you going to put them? Y/n: They are going to sleep with me for some time Jisso: Okay Y/n: But, I'm going to show you girls your room's
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Ignore the dog Jennie:My room Y/n: Ok
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Rose: Is this my room? Y/n: Yep Rose: Yay
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