Matthew Lee espinosa what a boyfriend

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*weeks later*
"Hey babe what will happen when the tour ends?" I asked matthew through the bathroom door. He walked in and snaked his arms around my waist as I was applying my lashes. "We will figure it out when it happens don't worry babe" he kissed the top of my head. When my makeup was done I turned face to face with matt and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Babe close your eyes." He told me. I did as he asked "okay now open" he said and I opened my eyes to a red rose. "Matt this is so sweet but what's the occasion?" I asked "I am taking you, Ms.Falls on a date." He said smiling brightly. "Okay what time so I can prepare?" I asked excitedly. "I'll pick you up at 7:40." He said. He pecked my lips and I kissed back. Things got heated and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He lead me to the bedroom and brought me to the bed.
Magcon was great today. We met so many more fans than usual. After it was done I skipped to matt and the group. I jumped into Matt's arms and he spun us around. "Awwww you two cuties!" Taylor yelled he set me down and we both blushed. They decided that they would go back to the hotel while matt and I went to Taco Bell to get the food for the guys and us. We were heading back to the hotel and matt asked me "hey b?" "Yeah matt?" "A-are you um mad at me?" He asked "what why would I be mad at you silly babe." I laughed he just stayed quiet. I put my hand on his thigh and asked "babe are you okay? What's the matter?" "N-nothing babe I'm just scared of losing you." What?! Lose me? "What?! Matt that's crazy! I'm all yours only yours." He smiled "okay fine." He said smiling. Why would he think this crazy thought? Out of no where? Hm. We arrived at the hotel and the boys jumped and screamed and the usual you know. Anyways they grabbed the Taco Bell out of our hands like wolves seeing meat for the first time. Matt and I walked out of the room to go on our date. I just needed to change and freshen up my makeup. I reapplied my red lipstick and took a look at my new outfit. I wore a black laced Victoria's Secret bra with matching undies and with it I had a pair of black stockings and a tight laced dress that accented my curves very we'll. I walked out to the room and asked matt how I looked and he saw me and his jaw dropped. "W-wow babe you look absolutely breathtaking." "Why thank you boyfriend." "My pleasure girlfriend." He smiled "come here lovely." He said and did the game we did this morning of peek a boo. "Close your eyes" "not again matt." I whined "c'mon trust me" "ugh fine" I closed them and then he said open and I saw a box. He opened it and it was a stunning diamond necklace with a bouquet of my favorite flowers, pink peonies. "N-no matt I don't deserve this." I said stuttering it was too perfect for me. "I don't care what you say I'm putting this necklace on you." He said and gently placed it on my neck. "Chuck bass once said, something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone who's worthy of it's beauty." "Matthew Lee Espinosa, you actually payed attention to those painstaking episodes of gossip girl and remembered a quote from it just for this moment?" I kissed his cheek "you are the best boyfriend any girl could have." I said "no, correction I'm the best boyfriend only one girl could have and that's you Blaine abigail Falls." He smiled. We got up and linked arms as we walked down the hall to the elevator. We got to the limo and matt was on his phone the whole time. I guess I can't have it all. I chuckled to myself. We got to the restaurant and matt was still on his phone. I tapped him "matt tell them our table name." I was getting a bit annoyed but I didn't say anything I decided I would put it to the side. We say down at our table and I told matt "babe it's time to order." He looked up and said "huh oh yeah I'll just share with you babe." He said and back to his phone he went. I just ordered the fettuccine Alfredo a medium because I wasn't sure how big a large was. Our order came and I asked for an extra fork for matthew. I looked over at matthew and he was smiling. "Uh hey babe I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick okay?" He said I nodded and began to eat our food. He came back shortly after and grabbed his fork to eat. We finished eating and had just paid. I paid because matthew was still hung up on his phone. We got inside the car and he put his hand on my thigh. I just stared at the window to show that I wasn't too happy about his behavior. "Babe c'mon what's wrong?" I just ignored him but I can't be too mad at him after all he put all this effort into the necklace and the flowers so I just looked at him and smiled. Li grabbed his hand and said "nothing I'm fine." As we were driving back I saw sam wilkinson walking back to the hotel also. I rolled down my window. "Sammy! It's me Blaine!" I yelled like an idiot. He looked up at me and smiled and winked "hey Blaine! Just getting back from the gym!" He tried flirting I flirt back a little just to make matt a little jealous. "Maybe later when we all hang out I'll see if it did anything." It was a bit much but hey the way matt got so mad was priceless matt yelled through the window "hey yeah man we just got back from our date!" I laughed at his jealousy. "Alright we'll I'll let you get back to your muscles then." I winked he winked back. I rolled up my window. "What the heck was that?!" Matt screamed "oh maybe later I'll see if it did anything." Matt mimicked "oh babe please I was just kidding calm down I'm all yours." I smiled. We walked out of the car and went into the hotel. We got to our room and I got ready for bed. I walked to the bathroom and took off my shoes and wiped my makeup off. Matt all of the sudden started tickling me. "No matt stop I can't breathe." We fell to the bedroom floor. His phone fell out of his pocket and I grabbed it. He got a text from a girl named clementine. It said "nice d babe." It didn't really say that it said the actual word. I asked him his password "4508" he said and I opened it. I scrolled to his messages and it said clementine💘 and it had a picture of him completely nude. I threw his phone at the wall and started crying.

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