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I wanna let everyone know that in this story you have Vitiligo its a skin condition that affects hair and skin pigment leaving parts of the skin and/or hair lighter than the rest. So I did some art for you guys to show the basic appearance of your skin. Just place your skin tone and hair color with lighter pigments throughout your body to get an idea of what you look like in the story.

 Just place your skin tone and hair color with lighter pigments throughout your body to get an idea of what you look like in the story

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Narrator:  (y/n) also known as captain (y/n) or Blade whisperer (y/n), captain of the Cutlass Pirates.

now, you may be thinking, 'wow a female pirate captain, how lame. she's gotta be weak.' but you guessed completely opposite of her. You'll see why, when you physically see her... well that's if you live too tell the tale.

(y/n) pov


I look over to see my first mate, Akira. The brains of the crew and sniper. His scruffy chin, and messy red hair, in a bun, catch my attention first as usual.

"what's up Akira."  I pipe up excitedly and uncross my arms.

"I've spotted an island." he Coolly asserted, handing me the scope.

I look through it and sure enough, there was an island, "HELL YEAH! PREPARE TO Dock Guys!" I jump up to the crow's nest to enjoy the view of the island. 

upon docking at the island you picked up on a bad feeling in your stomach. Akira did as well apparently because he looked up at you. you nodded and jumped down onto the grassy ground of the island. "some of you guys stay here and watch the ship. That means you as well Akira." you demand calmly. your crew knew when you were calm something was wrong, so hey listened, "Actually all of you stay. I'll take care of this myself."

"Yes ma'am!" they all called.

you walked down the island's path and you felt eyes on you, but you kept walking pretending not to notice them. 

soon you arrived at a small town, "hmm deserted huh?" in the blink of an eye men with guns and swords surrounded you. you sighed, "what a bunch of weaklings, sad you're throwing your life away." you turned hyper, "Tell you what, if you guys can even scratch me, I'll consider just taking a finger or hand, Deal?" you smile darkly, your (h/l) hair covering one eye.

they didn't take you seriously, as usual, it made you happy that they underestimated you, making you smile wider. you begin humming a tune.

they begin to charge you, but you disappeared."WHERE'D SHE GO!" one said panicked.

"hello there," you giggled when he turned around swinging the sword. but you just jumped away. "to slow" your hands behind your back, eyes closed and smiling. 

you finally drew your sword after playing with them for a little while, watching the struggle. "you still have time to scratch mee-" you piped up, chuckling darkly, " but then again time passes quite fast when you're enjoying yourself."

you charge forward in the blink of an eye, leaving one man standing, "so," you sheath your blade, "who's your boss?" you ask with a sadistic grin.

"I-I won't tell." he tripped and crawled backward at your approach.

"aww come on we both know you'll tell on the cost of your life." you grin.

"n-no I won't!" his back hit a rock.

"that's to bad, guess you won't mind losing a hand, or a foot.... or better yet your head." you run your hand through your hair smiling.

His face filled with fear, as your hand nears your blade. "I guess I'll just take a head as a souvenir this time." you draw your sword and get ready to strike when he gives in.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'll tell you, just please don't kill me!"  his arms were up in defense.

you chuckle sadistically again at his fear, what a coward,' and sheath your sword. "well spit it out then." you cross your arms.

"my captain... is Eustass kid." he takes his arms down.

"is that all?" you ask seriously.

"y-yes. now can I i leave now?"

"not until i pick a souvenir." you grin again.

"B-but I thought!" his face was full of fear.

"I never said I Wasn't gonna leave without one." the color in his face drained, "plus i hate cowards like yu, and don't worry I won't take your head, I'll take that dirty tongue of yours." you draw a small blade from your hip, "oh and be sure to not die from blood loss, because I want you to be a gift to your captain. as 'hello' sorta gift." before he could run you grabbed him, and immobilized him by cutting his ankles. then took his tongue and cut it out.

you began to walk away and stoppd , "oh yeah be sure to keep your head down so you don't choke on blood." you laugh and walk away putting your hand in your pockt , and the other waving.

you walk to your ship, and look at the tongue, "tch, cowards blood it's nasty and vile." you throw it in the ocean. you get to the ship and jump on deck.

Akira greeted you, "Did you have fun captain." he chuckled at your patchy, blood-spattered face.

"heh kinda, they were all too weak for my taste, and the last guy was a vile coward. And I'd prefer to not have cowards blood on my face." you laugh happily, "I'm gonna go take a shower." you wave and head to your quarters and shower.

you get out and dry off, putting on an old torn shirt, a black jacket with buckles, and black jeans . you slide your boots n, and swing the door open. almost immediately you felt something was off. you reached for the hilt of your sword, but grabbed nothing, "what the hell." you put your guard up now, "Akira?"

you walk to the deck and all that awaited you was a bloody scene. Akira was against the mast hand on his wait, and covered in blood. you run over to him, "Akira! what the hell happened!" he was still breathing luckily, but blood spewed from his mouth. He tried to speak but all that came out was blood. His tongue was gone!

you heard a laugh from behind, and you snapped your head around.

"have you ever heard the phrase 'An eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth,' captain (y/n) or should i say Blade whisperer." he held your blades.


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