Just a Birthday Party Magician (Improved)

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"Can you really do magic?"

Kazuichi turned to see a tall, darkly dressed boy standing behind him. "I'm sorry?"

"I said, can you do magic?" The boy tilted his head, obviously annoyed. "You claimed to be a 'magician'. Can you?"

Stifling laughter, Kazuichi didn't know how to respond. Did he lie to this high school-age boy and claim magic ability? What teen doesn't know how magic tricks work, anyway?

Grinning, he said, "Yeah, I can do magic."

The other boy's eyes lit up with childlike wonder. "Really?"

"Yeah, of course. Why else would I say I could?"

"C-could you..." He took several steps toward Kazuichi. "Could you... t-teach me?"

The smile dropped from his face. "Teach you?"

The boy nodded.

"I-uhm, I don't know if I-" Kazuichi suddenly glanced around the hallway, unsure of what to say. He knew he shouldn't have lied about it, but he had no impulse control. "Well, I mean..."

The boy's mood clearly changed. He was suddenly very gloomy, obviously disappointed at Kazuichi's response. "If it's too much trouble, your services are not necessarily required..."

"Wait, really?" Kazuichi looked back at the other.

"Of course not. You would not be the first mage to deny my request, and most likely not the last..." The boy was practically staring holes through the floor. A dusty blush was beginning to bloom on his cheeks. Kazuichi guessed he wasn't exactly used to asking for help, especially for such a strange task.

Sighing, he stuck his hand in his pocket. Feeling a coin, he had an idea.

Palming it quickly, he said, "Tell you what. I'll do a couple... spells, and if you can figure 'em out, I'll teach ya some more. Deal?"

The boy brightened instantly. "A-Alright! Deal!" Straightening his back, he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "After all, I am the great and powerful Gundham Tanaka! There is no way I could lose such a simple game!"

Grinning, Kazuichi took his hand out of his pocket, coin sufficiently hidden. "Ok, fine. Now tell me," he reached behind Gundham's shoulder, over the thick scarf he was wearing, and pantomiming the removal of an item with a flick of his wrist, "where exactly did I... summon this item from?" The coin rolled between his thumb and forefinger, shining a dull silver. It had probably been in his pocket for years.

Gundham's face flooded with astonishment, then confusion, as he marveled at the trick. It was a very simple one, often the very first a beginner learns. It shouldn't be too difficult for a high school age teenager to figure out, right?

They stood there in complete silence for several long moments, Kazuichi grinning and holding the coin dramatically as Gundham stared.

"Aah, uhm... w-well surely, it's a-a very simple... a very simple... you said spells, so you must have... w-well, uhm..." Gundham appeared flustered, this very simple trick flattening him completely. He muttered, quiet confusion surrounding him like a cloud.

Kazuichi chuckled. "So, I guess that means I win, huh?"

Gundham jumped to attention, expression changing rapidly, from confusion to shock to disappointment. "But you said a few spells. That was only one!"

"Hmm..." Kazuichi pocketed the coin, glancing off into space. He wanted to seem just disinterested enough to keep the boy's attention. "Well, I guess... If you really wanna try again, I can try one more spell."

Nodding vigorously, Gundham rocked on his heels. "Just one more!"

Kazuichi grinned. He had seen little kids less excited for a few magic tricks. "Alright then. Do you have a couple bucks I could use?"

Reaching into his pocket, the boy pulled out a dark fabric wallet. He handed Kazuichi 2 bills, both low in value. Kazuichi rolled them up tightly, holding the first between his left thumb and forefinger. He did the same with the second, seeming to interlock them.

"So, if I can't do magic or whatever, solid objects shouldn't pass through each other, right?"

Gundham nodded.

"Ok then... your turn." He pulled his hands apart dramatically, the two "interlocking" rolls seeming to pass right through each other. It was another very simple sleight of hand trick, one of the few he could pull out of nowhere. If Gundham had been paying close attention, he would have seen that Kazuichi's fingers were not quite interlocked, and then the "spell" would be busted quite easily.

However, Gundham apparently had not and was again baffled by this simple feat. He demanded that Kazuichi give him the money back, spending nearly 30 seconds examining the bills. "That's not possible," he kept muttering. "There's no way you can..."

Kazuichi crossed his arms. He could tell from how stunned and confused Gundham was that he had won. Gundham knew as well, looking up from his studies with defeat heavy on his features.

"Well, I guess that means I can't teach ya anything. A deal's a deal," Kazuichi shook his head, pink hair covering his eyes. He grinned as he continued, "If you ever wanna see more, I work at the bike shop downtown. You're welcome to stop by for a show."

Gundham nodded again, holding out one oddly bandaged hand to shake. Kazuichi took it as Gundham spoke. "Very well then, I shall certainly take your offer. Until we meet again, Vibrant Wizard!" With that, he turned away.

Kazuichi watched after him as he disappeared around a corner. What a weird guy.

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