January 2020

29 1 1

I was starting to be ok again. My life had calmed down. But little did I know how much it would change in just a few months.

I was sick. Stomach bug. I can't remember what day it was, but I know it was a week before my am-dram dress rehearsal so it must have been late January at about four o clock. Anyway, I was lying on my sofa ill. "I'm just going to get Arlen (our dog) inhaler refill, he's run out, I'll be back in about 20 minutes" Said my mum. I replied with "OK" and put in a new disc of Castle, I believe it was season 4 but that's irrelevant. She was gone about 10 minutes when my left leg went really tingley, I tried to move it but I couldn't, I lifted it up with my hand and put it on the floor. It wouldn't move, it was so cold so I wrapped it up in a blanket. My mum came home. "I can't move my leg" I stated
"What!?" my mum asked, sounding a little scared. I explained the whole story. She asked me a few questions.
"does it hurt?"
"a bit"
"Can you feel it?"
And others like that. "I'll get you a drink and some food the we will see how it goes"

About 2 hours later

My mum checked it some more. "I think we should call 111" she said nervously. So we did. I heard my mum talking on the phone for a few minutes then she put it on speaker and said the lady on the phone wanted to speak to me.

She asked me more questions.
Is there any chance you could be pregnant?
Can you feel it?
What we're you doing at the time?
Then she went quiet.
Then we heard her voice again.
"How quickly can you get to A&E?"

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