More Digging Required

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3rd Person's POV

"Barton, Banner, and Stark, I want you to find as much information about Darness as you can. Romanoff, keep pulling your strings. Find out the source," Steve instructed. "What about me?" Ellie asked. "This is dangerous," He said. "So was the Chitauri Invasion, and you let me help with that!" She objected. "That was different. The fate of the world was at stake," He fired back.

"And lives are at stake now!" She pointed out. "What would you do anyway? You were never supposed to be on the team, you just inserted yourself in the situation!" He shouted. As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them. But the damage was done. Tears had formed in Ellie's eyes, and she moved toward the door.

"Ellie, wa--" Steve got up. "No, Steve. You've done enough. You're right. What would I do? I'm a kid, a stupid, careless kid," She said. "That's not what I said," He said cautiously. "It's what you implied. Now leave me alone before you say anything else that undermines my spot--the spot you gave me-- on the team," She said, swiftly leaving the room. "That was a little harsh, Rogers," Barton said.

 "I know, I don't know what came over me," He said, moving to follow her. "Rogers, give her space. She needs to cool down," Natasha grabbed a hold of his arm, stopping him. Begrudgingly, he agreed and went to join the other men digging for information.

Several Hours Later...

The digging had proofed fruitless. Darness, if she was Cyanide, was good at covering her tracks. While everyone was still working, Clint slipped out of the room and into the main facility. He was worried about Ellie since she seemed quite upset about what had happened. His gut told him she had left the facility, so he did the same.

Walking along a random street, Ellie pulled her mother's jacket a little closer to her body, the cold nipping her exposed skin. "Ellie!" A familiar voice caused her to bow her head and move faster. But it was pointless because Clint was behind her in seconds. "Ellie. Come on, let's get back to the facility," He coaxed, but she shook her head. "He's right," She mumbled.

"No, he just wasn't thinking straight. He's really sorry, I promise. Come on, they're all worried about you," He coaxed, and her resolve crumbled. "Have you found anything?" She asked, and he sighed. "Whoever this Rowena is, she's good at covering her tracks," He said. "So, we don't know anything," She summarized, and he nodded. They started walking back towards the facility, her anger fading by the second.

"Well, we've been in worse situations before,"

a/n Two things. One, Ellie is actually based on yours truly, and trust me, having a temper sucks. Two, before people say Steve was OOC in this chapter, they have been looking for a long time and they are all at the end of the wire.

 Two, before people say Steve was OOC in this chapter, they have been looking for a long time and they are all at the end of the wire

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