chapter three

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Chase took out his phone and looked at the time, then nodded. "It's going to be half past six by the time we arrive. They're serving breakfast from six to evelen, so we're fine."

The trio was strolling down the busy streets of LA, making their way towards the restaurant. Marvin was walking behind Chase and King, who didn't have a lot to catch up on, but were always able to find a conversation topic.

"So, hows the little-big fluffy bros doing?" Chase asked.

"Oh! They've been fine, the last time I checked. Mark has been watching Chica and Henry a bit better since the squirrels got so close to us! I've been trying to get him to pet them, but he's scared that they'll bite him."

Chase shook his head and chuckled. "I'm not surprised, dude's probably experiencing some sort of second childhood trauma."

"Well, he's been getting better! I think he likes having my subjects around," King said with a smile, readjusting the crown on his head.

Marvin dragged behind them, listening in to their conversation. He didn't mind filling in the details of what they were talking about, although it was proving difficult to put together the whole picture. He didn't want to jump in and ask, so he was content with what he got.

The sound of birds chirping gave Marvin a calming sense of loneliness. Through all the stress of his unsuccessful performances, it was nice sometimes to not be the center of attention. The conversation along with busy town made for a soothing background noise.

"What about you, Marvin?" King suddenly stopped and glanced behind them, slightly startling Marvin. "How have you been doing? I've heard about you being a magician."

"Um...?" He shook his head and gave them an awkward smile. "Ah! Yes, I do perform magic. Cards, pulling objects out of ears, sleeves, hats..."

"Oh! Oh, can you pull a coin out of my ear?" King turned around fully, stopping their movement altogether. "Please? If it's not much trouble?"

Marvin nodded, running his fingers over the straps that held the mask on his face. He then reached towards King's ear, but right before he could reach it, a coin tumbled out of his sleeve and onto the ground. Alarmed by the ringing, Marvin bent down and picked it up.

"I-I'm sorry, it didn't seem to... work out." He looked back up at King in apology.

King nodded understandingly. "No, it's fine. Magic must be hard to get right." He then scanned the coin that Marvin was holding. "Is that a British coin?"

Marvin nodded. "Ah, sorry, I didn't have any American ones on me."

Chase chuckled. "I don't think I've ever seen you actually perform, Marvin."

Marvin's face flushed a pinkish red. "I have shows all throughout the country, but not really around Brighton."

"Man, I wish I could see one of your shows." King said with a genuine smile.

Marvin couldn't help but smile. King's bubbly attitude wasn't something he saw so often around the egos, at least not in such an innocent sense. Most of them had some sort of dark side, but it didn't seem like King could even have one. Maybe if someone hurt a squirrel, but who would actually have the heart to do that?

"Well, maybe if you come to Brighton someday, I could conveniently just be performing there," Marvin replied. "If I did though, I'd definitely let you sit in the front row. You could even be a volunteer on the show."

King's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yeah! Yes, I would love to!"

Chase chuckled. "Alright guys, let's hurry up, or we'll never get there. I'm hungry like I haven't eaten in a year."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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