Before Their Own Bad Beginning Part 2- Isadora

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Isadora P.O.V.

Although we're quite alone at home                                                                                                                             

And 'round the world our parents roam

With Quigley, Duncan, Ed and I

Our happiness will never die

While Quigley sits and draws his map

Duncan writes a story on a paper scrap

As Ed tells stories to pass the time

I make up poems that always rhyme

But still we're quite alone at home

And 'round the world our parents roam

Even with Quigley, Duncan, Ed, and I

My happiness quite soon will die

I'm Isadora Quagmire, and in case you haven't noticed, I enjoy writing poetry of rhyming couplets. My favorite poet, Ogden Nash uses them and I think they are the most clever pieces of poetry. Today, though, I am using my poetry to express how much I miss my parents. I wish I could be a little bit more like Quigley and Duncan because it seems they are always too preoccupied to express that they are sad. Although maybe my poetry is a bit dramatic, because I really shouldn't be complaining. I live in an enormous mansion in the city with a huge library where I can sit and read poetry to my heart's content. 

I suppose I will just have to make the best of it. Ed's stories really are quite amusing and Duncan and Quigley's story is very interesting. For some reason though, today Quigley and Duncan are seemingly trying to be extra nice to me. I think I have a hunch. I assume they think I'm writing a poem about them. I might, just to humor them. I will make the best of today, with or without my parents. I know they'll come back, and I can't wait to see them when they do. 

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