Plan B

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Dahlia didn't want to wait for Hannah to say yes but she didn't want her to just be another girl they fed on. She actually liked her and wanted her to be like Damian and herself. She wanted them to be sisters. Dahlia and Damian were the only ones that could change someone and there were two ways to do it. If they wanted the person to basically be their walking feed bags then they just compelled them to not fight back and bite them, draining them only enough to slow their heart rate. But if they wanted them to be their family and to walk beside them for eternity they asked for permission to turn them. There were only three other people besides Dahlia that Damian had made his family but several others that were just their food. It was important to keep a low profile so they generally had them work at the club. From the moment Damian saw Jake and Hannah he wanted them for his own, he just wasn't sure which way he wanted to do it yet.

Hannah wasn't sure what was happening to her but she felt strange, like Damian was inside her head. She wasn't sure if his lips were actually forming words of if she was hearing him in her mind. Things were hazy and she felt as if she were floating. 'What is happening to me?' she asked as her eyes began to feel heavy. 'You want to join our family don't you?' asked Dahlia as she moved slowly behind her, 'Yes,' Hannah whispered.

Dahlia could hear Hannah's heart beating and it sounded like music to her ears. She had hoped that this moment would come soon and here is was. Just as she was about to bite into Hannah's neck she heard a faint sound, a tiny little heart beat. Hannah was pregnant, not far along but far enough that her babies heart was strong. Dahlia backed away from her and placed her hand on Hannah's head. 'Sleep she said,' then Hannah's eyes closed and she hung her head.

'What's wrong? What are you doing?' Damian asked with a surprised tone. 'I can't do it, I won't,' said Dahlia as she sat down in the chair beside Hannah. 'She's pregnant and if I turn her now the baby dies. I am a lot of things but I will never be someone that kills babies.' Damian knew that she was struggling with the idea that she had once wanted children of her own, before her ex husband beat her so much that she lost the only baby she had ever been pregnant with. And as a result of the miscarriage being so bad the doctor said she would never be able to carry a fetus to term. He realized now that they wouldn't be able to turn Hannah and without her he didn't know if they would be able to get Jake on board. Damian was determined though, he wanted them as his family and no matter what he had to do he would get exactly what he wanted. Just as he had said before, 'Nobody stands in the way of what he wants.'

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