Chapter One

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Present day

“Ella!”Felicity hisses into my ear. My head shoots up and I rub the sleep from my eyes at once.

“Yes?” I whisper impeccably back. Felicity puts her thin hand onto my shoulder,

“It’s time to go…” She murmurs. I force my eyes open only to shut my eyes again from the almost blinding light. Felicity is my irritable, identical twin sister. We both have the same jet black ringlets, the same piercing sea green eyes and the same thin model like frame.

Ever since we were toddlers we would fight over anything and everything. At first it was the Winnie the Pooh pull toy and now its lip color and clothes.

            “Honey, Elizabeth, it’s time to go now you’ll be late for the plane…” My mother says pulling me from my chair. I slowly inch my eyes open again.

What plane? Oh that’s right, the plane... Felicity and I are going to visit Amyl, our uncle in Scarborough, England. Felicity is sure that she and I will have a great time shopping for “Butter London” nail polish or whatever junk that is popular inEngland. It is probably a good thing that I haven’t told Felicity that Amyl’s mansion is in the middle of nowhere. I stumble up picking my blue duffle bag off of the ground and yawn. Felicity pulls me along to our plane line.  Mother hands me my ticket and I look at it. Plane A seat 113. I glance at Felicity’s hoping that she would be a couple seats (or even better, a row) behind me.  I read her ticket: Plane A seat 114…         

Yippee, I get to sit next to the peanut gallery… I sigh.           

Oh well there goes my 7 hour sleep.

“Plane A,New YorktoLondonis now boarding.” A woman says on the P.A. Our mother stares at us for the longest time, her round glassy eyes brimming with tears. She hugs and kisses us both.

“Now I want you both to be good… and play nicely with each other,”

Play? Are we five?  

“We will,” Felicity and I say in unison.  The Plane A line starts to go into the jet way, and our mother grabs us both for a last minute hug.

“Be safe,” she whispers into our ears.  We board the plane and Felicity races to the window, I smirk.

“If your window breaks you’ll be the first to know…” I smile imaging Felicity's small body being sucked out the window. Felicity narrows her piercing sea green eyes and sits down; she pulls out a bag of gold fish crackers and starts to munch away. I plop down to the next to her and wrap my blue jacket around my thin frame.  The jet way doors begin to close and an Asian woman in her mid thirties begins to speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboardNew Yorkto London Airlines flight 456 with non-stop service. Please turn your attention to me for our safety demonstration. Please follow along with the safety card located in the seat pocket in front of you…” The lady drones on. I tiredly follow instructions and a moment later the plane runs down the jet lane and we rocket into the air. My head gets light headed and I close my eyes and start to drift to sleep… that is until my sister nudges me in the ribs.

“Yeah…” I ask coyly.

“We are going to have so much fun inEngland…” She says as she pops a goldfish cracker into her mouth.

“Yes… I know…” I sigh. “Fun…getting clothes and makeup and”-

“Boys, lots and lots of boys…”


Seven Hours Later…

Felicity bangs her elbow hard into my thigh. I jolt up.

“Look,” she points out the window.

“We are here.”

We were indeed. The plane began to descend down and out Felicity’s window I swear I see theThamesRiver.

"Isn’t this the most beautiful thing?" Felicity gasps.

I have to agree with her this one time. It is truly amazing. The billowing landscapes of emerald green grass and quaint little tops of cottages. It was like the scenery of some sort of dream. The plane finally falls to the ground with a bump sending every one forward.

A woman on the P.A speaks.

"- Please take all carry on items with you and have a safe day..." she ends crisply. I jump right out of my seat and carry my belongings to the coming jet way. The airport was busy and (not really wanting to) I grab on to my sisters hand. She smiles as if she had some sort of power over me and begins pulling me through the crowd, way too fast... so fast that I end up bumping into a crowd of people, my hand slips from hers.

 I fall to the ground helplessly. My head clucks down onto the linoleum floor.

“F-Felicity!” I scream but I am muffled by the sound of people shuffling their feet all around me. I push myself up only to be tripped over and set right back down to the hard ground. Someone kicks me in the head and I sprawl onto my back.  I struggle to get up again when something big and heavy probably a luggage bag hit me in the head. The last thing my mind comprehends is a blurry image of a crowd of people staring at me and a scream, “Oh my god… that’s a lot of blood…”

And then blackness engulfed me completely.

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