Inside Out

366 20 13

The Creator

Why does he care?

He never cared before. He wasn't even supposed to know...or notice. I look to Fate for her reaction, not really knowing how to respond to Error. I don't even really know why I had needed the vials all of a sudden, they never gave me those answers.

All I really cared about was being able to make AUs.

But with everything going on, maybe I should have asked more questions. I definitely am questioning myself right now. "This has nothing to do with Ink's condition." She says it in such a way that it makes my nonexistent skin crawl.

"It all has to do with Ink!"

Error exclaims, slamming his hands onto the table, standing up. His outburst should have surprised me, but something deep inside knew that he would be offended by Fate's casualty to the whole situation.

She pushes up her glasses, completely unaffected by the offensive tactic Error used towards her. "Error, you don't know the complexity of the situation at hand. I didn't call you here to talk about this. I need you to solve the problem at hand."

"What's the problem?"

I finally say something. I don't know if it's because I want the conversation to not be about me or I just need some clarification on what is goring on. At this point I just want to know why Fate had brought us here. And I think she is finally going to tell us now.

When I look over at Error, his face is full of emotion. An expression I have only seen a couple of times. Anger? Frustration? He wants to keep pushing the topic But I don't know what kind of nonsense he is trying to push onto the conversation.

He looks at me, as if he wants me to stand up with him, and keep questioning Fate. But I don't, he is asking the wrong questions. It takes a moment of silence before he realizes where I stand. And in that moment, I saw the determination and emotion draining from his face.

Fate looks at me, almost ignoring Error completely. "The corrupted AU needs reset." She says, as Error promptly sits down, most likely in defeat. Or in shock? He grips the arm rests of the chair, tightly. "Reset it? How in the multiverse are we supposed to reset it? Ink's job is to create the universe and mine is to destroy it. We-" he gestures between me and him, "do not have the power to Reset."

"Why would we need to Reset anything when Error can just finish his job?" I offer, not really knowing what to say about these Resets. If anything it looks like Error is adamant to use them, and I wonder if I should be to. "Don't worry about all those silly nuances." She says with a smile and a little wave.

"Nuances?! We don't have the determination to do what you are asking!" Error exclaims, withholding himself from standing again. Fate freezes her smile in place, not wanting to let her anger shatter her expression. 

"Assistant, get the equipment."

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