This is the Part Where You Run

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(Tyler's POV)

I am in the boarding school just listening to music. When there was a knock on the door. "Come in" I said to the person at the door

"Hey Ty" Josie my sister said

"Hey Ty" Lizzie, who is also my sister said.

"Hey little sisters. What's up?" I asked. I took my earphones out

"Nothing just waiting for dad to come back from the trip" Lizzie said

"Ah yes. True" I said and went back to my music.

"Ty!" Josie said jumping on my bed

I take my earphones out again. "You know you're not 5 anymore right?" I said to her

"Yes...But I'm still a kid at heart" She said smiling

"That you are sis" I said smiling. I heard the car door shut. "Well looks like father is back with Mikaelson and the new recruit" I said

"Let's go" Josie said taking my hand. Lizzie takes my other hand.

We walked out. "Welcome to the Salvatore School. We are your tour guides" Lizzie said

I go next to my dad. "I'm Josie" My sister said

"I'm Lizzie. Sisters" Lizzie said

"Twins" josie said

"Fraternal obviously" lizzie said

The new kid looks confused. My dad spoke up. "Rafael why don't you go ahead with the girls. While I talk to Landon?" My dad said

Josie and Lizzie link arms with Rafael. I look at Hope Mikaelson. "Morning Hope" Lizzie and Josie said

"Morning girls" Hope said

"More like despair" Lizzie said to Rafael as they walk away

"I heard that" Hope said

"No you didn't" Lizzie said

"Didn't have to" Hope said

"Everyone behave!" Alaric said

"Love you dad" Lizzie and Josie said already a few feet away.

My dad turns towards Landon. "So...let's get started!" He said. We walked into the boarding school. "I'm cursious Landon" My dad said. Pedro runs past us. "Slow down" Dad said. "Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls?" Dad asked

Landon looks around amazed. "I knew Hope went to some fancy boarding school. People in town said that it was for troubled rich kids. I see the rich part is true" Landon said. He saw one of the kids do magic. "Nobody in town mentioned anyone here could do that" Landon said

"Let's go new guy" I said pushing him. I might of used my werewolf strength because he fell

"Nice going Saltzman" Hope said

"Whatever Mikaelson" I said to her

"You two knock it off" My dad said

"I didn't do anything!" I said

"Ty. Why don't you go back to your room and do homework" He said

"Done already" I said. Hope laughs. "What's so funny Mikaelson?" I asked her

"You never do your homework. I guess I'm just surprised" She said still laughing

I growl at her. "Tyler! Out now!" My dad yelled.

I mumble something under my breath. I walked out and threw a table.

(Hope's POV)

I heard a crash and knew it was Tyler who threw it. I focus back onto the conversation with Dr.Saltzman and Landon

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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