New Powers

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Abby POV

2 days after I got the mark on the arm. I managed to keep it secret from Mom, Dad, and mostly my brother, Ty.

I tried to wash it, hoping that it will come off but no luck.

I was in my room, looking up strange marks on my computer, when I started to feel loopy.

First a pounding headache, then my vision started to act a little blurry.

Quickly I hurryed to the bathroom and locked it behind me.

I rinsed my face with water and when I looked into the mirror.

My eyes weren't normal, they were now the eyes of a lion.

I started feeling pain in my bones and in the rest of my body.

I was shocked to see what was happening to me.

My hands & feet transform into large paws, Ears become bigger and fluffy, Golden fur started to grow all over my body, my teeth started to get longer & sharper, and a tail start to sprout out of my rear.

Looking in the mirror again, I had transformed into a lioness!

I slipped on the rug, and fell over, knocking a few shampoo bottles, and now realizing I now have walking on 4 legs, instead of 2!

I don't want to send the rest of my life as a big cat! I thought to myself

And as if wish granted, I transformed back into my own human self!

I both relived and confused at the same time about what happened.

I quickly got up, clean up the mess, and exited out of the bathroom.

Grabbing my phone, I called the one person who I know could help!

Hey Naomi, It's Abby! I need you help with something major!

Grossology: Abby's Inner BeastWhere stories live. Discover now