When There Was Me Part 1.

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In this story Ricky gets in a skateboarding accident while skating back from Nini's house in episode 4 and loses his memory, temporarily. This will be my part one of the story. This idea is inspired by another one I read, THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL IDEA!!
~General POV~
Ricky was skateboarding back from Nini's house after running from parent drama. As he skateboarded he had so many thoughts going through his head. He couldn't think straight. He had so many questions and he felt as if his world was turning upside down.
~Ricky's POV~
How could I have been so stupid? I deal with family drama and I go to my ex's house? What was I thinking??? And why would I try to kiss her? I know she is dating someone else. She is happy, she has moved on, she doesn't need you! I am suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by a loud noise and bright lights coming towards me. Before I have time to do anything, the car comes towards me then it all goes black.
~Carries POV~
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I just hit someone! What have I done?!?!? I quickly open the door and rush to the person I just hit to make sure they are not dead. I put my fingers against his neck to check and see if he has a pulse. I take a breath of relief when he does. After I know he is alive, I decide to call 911. After I call 911 and tell them about what happened I notice that his phone is laying on the ground, not knowing what else to do I decide to grab it and call his parents and tell them about what happened. I open his favorites column in the phone and notice that the top person under favorites is "Nini❤️" I quickly pressed their contact and waited for them to pick up.
~Nini's POV~
I went into my room after Ricky had left not knowing why he had. Maybe he felt guilty? Maybe he was to upset? I don't know. But I do know that he is upset right now and I all I wanted to do was help him. Right before I was about to head to bed I got a call. I was slightly confused because I didn't know who would be calling me this late at night. I picked up my phone and saw that it was Ricky who was calling me. I picked up the phone and was surprised to hear a woman's voice instead of Rickys.
N: Hello?
C:Hi, are you Nini?           
N: I am. And you who is this?
C:My name is Carrie. Can you tell me who's phone I'm using? By this point I was getting scared, who would be using Ricky's phone without knowing who he was??
N: Umm.. Yeah sure, This is Ricky's phone. Is something wrong??
C: I don't know how to say this but... Ricky was in an accident.
N: WHAT!! What happened?!?
C: He was skateboarding in the street and he seemed distracted, I tried to honk and get him to move but he... I already called 911, they are on there way but I thought you would like to know.
N: Oh my God! I'm on my way!! Where are you?
C: I am at *** **** *****
Oh my gosh that is so close to my house! He must have just been leaving from my house!
N: Thanks I will be there in 5.
I finally arrived at the place Carrie told me over the phone. When I arrived, I noticed Ricky laying in the ground in front of the car. It killed me to see him like this, especially since I knew this was my fault; he was distracted because of the events that occurred earlier that night. When the ambulance came to take Ricky to the hospital I held his hand all the way there. When we arrived at the hospital they immediately took Ricky to a room and told me to wait outside while they got him all set up. I couldn't help but believe that this was my fault and that I caused this somehow. I was so wrapped up in my issues with EJ that I didn't even think about what Ricky was going through with his parents, in this moment I felt horrible. I was cut out of my thoughts by a doctor telling me that I could go in now. When I got into Ricky's room I was heartbroken by the scene I was seeing, his face was completely bruised up and was unrecognizable. He had bruises all over his body and his legs and arms were in a full body cast. With tears In my eyes, I quickly sat down in the chair next to Ricky's bed. I slowly put my head in my hands as I started to break down. I again, was cut out of my thoughts, but this time it wasn't by a doctor; it was by Ricky. I looked over and saw Ricky let out a small groan.
"Ricky!?! Thank God you're ok! I was afraid you were never gonna walk up!!
"Nini?" He said, barely opening his eyes.
"Yes. It's me Ricky. I'm here, don't worry." I slowly started breaking down as I saw Ricky struggling to talk and even speak.
"Are you okay?" At this point, I was fully breaking down.Ricky was sitting there in so much pain and he was asking if I was okay. He really was the most caring person I knew.  "No, I'm not okay. You getting hurt is all my fault. You  came to me for help and I let you down. I was too worried about my problems with EJ that I didn't think about what you were going through, you have been having problems with your mom for a while now and I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for you this time. It was stupid and I'm so sorry." Then it was silent. Ricky was laying there with a confused expression on his face. This made me nervous because I didn't know what he would be confused about. Did he not feel the same way? Did he meet someone else? What was going on? "Ricky please say something! Please!"
He looked at me with confusion in his eyes before responding "who's EJ?"

Sorry for the cliffhanger but that's part 1 for you guys. Would you guys like to see the rest of the parts in my one shot series or would you guys like me to make a separate book following this story? Let me know what you guys think and what you guys would like me to do in the comments. Hope you enjoyed!

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