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Those, what are their names? O2L guys, I think? They were walking towards me. They go here? Shit!

"Hey, you're the new girl, right?" One guy asks. He had a bandanna in his light brown hair.

"Wanna smoke weed, and pot with us?" One kid asked.

" I told Emily you were all druggies! But did she listen to me? NOO!!" I scream.

"Just kidding!!" Another kid said.

"Well, anyway, are you?" The first guy asked.

"Ya, why do do you care?" He ignores the last part, and continues.

"I'm Ricky Dillon." He says.I dont answer, just get my things.

"And you are..."another one says.


"Hey! I'm Sam!!" A kid in the back says.

"Well, find a new name then." I snapped. I cant stand these guys! I tried to walk away, but was stopped by a kid with a jb hairstyle and a grey beanie.

"Come on,why do you have to be that way?"

"Excuse me,but who are you?"

"I'm Jc." He said.

"I'm Trevor." A younger kid said, or sang. Weird.

"Im Kian." The next guy states.

"And I'm Connor!!" the last guy screamed and did an odd pose. These guys are so weird. Exept maybe Ricky, he seems pretty cool, maybe we could be friends.Maybe.

"I have to get to class." They finally walked away. Exept Ricky.

"Do you even know where your classes are?"he asks.

"No clue." I speak truthfully.

"Here, I'll walk you to each class, can I see your schedule?" I hand it to him, he is so nice! Wait-no, I cant stand these boys!

"Well, we have 4/9 classes together." He smiles. At least I'll know someone. We have Homeroom, Drama, geometry, and english together. We walked to our homeroom class. Luckly, there was an open seat next to Ricky. Bad part was, the other five guys are in there. These are our permanent seats, great. The boys are sitting all around me. The bell rings, and Ricky walks me to my next class, choir. That kid , Trevor, is in here, wonderful. Ms.Simon, the teacher stood me right next to him to. He has the most amazing voice! And kept cracking jokes! Man, I didnt know Trevor would be this funny!

"We are going to be singing Home." Ms.Simon said.

"Um, Ms.Simon, I walk home." Trevor said, and the class burst into laughter, he looked at me, it looked like he was trying to make me laugh specifically. I just pished it off, for now.

At lunch, I sat by the guys. In between Ricky and Trevor. I e gotten to know that I have so much in common with Ricky. And Trevor is just flat out hilarious, and, maybe a little cute. Just a little though! So we all talked, and, it turns out, they aren't that bad. I was invited to hang put with them at Ricky's, so I said sure. I had one or two of they guys in each of my classes, so I always sat by them, so I'm never lonely. After school I got my pennyboard, and told the guys to meet at the park by the school in an hour. I started riding towards my house, and , so did they. I stopped in front of my house, which was practically in the center of a culdisack. Thats when I realized, there are 7 houses including the houses across the street from the rest. Oh, not only am I becoming friends with my best friend's idols, I also live RIGHT next to them! I got home, and grabbed a snack, and told my dad where I was going. He trusts me, so all I have to do is tell him I'm going to a new friend's house. I walked out, just as Ricky did. We rode our Pennyboards together, and met up with the rest of the guys.

Hey guys, the picture is the order for the culdisack:
Light blue- Samantha's house
Green- Trevor's house
Yellow- Sam's house
Dark blue- Ricky's house
Orange- Kian's house
Red- Connor's house
Purple- Jc's house
That's the house order guys!! Love you all! Buyyyyyiiieee!

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