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"Hey guuuuuyyysss!!" Trevor got here last. He is wearing all black, different than what he wore to school. His hair was also spiked up in the front, also different. I wonder why? Anyways, since we were already there, we decided to hang at the park for a while. We decided on a game of ultimate hide and seek!! We were in teams of two and had to hide, and we were aloud to move around, as long as we stayed on park grounds. So the teams were:

Kian and Sam

Jc and Ricky

Connor wanted to be a lone ninja

Trevor and I

Of course I'm put with the guy I have a SMALL crush on. I sorta liked this dark look he had going on. Anyways, we hid behind a bush at first, to make a plan. The plan was to break the rules:go off park grounds. We decided on going to Ricky's house, and sitting outside. It was just about 40 minutes before all the guys started texting Trevor, asking where we are. We took a snapchat photo, and sent it to Ricky, they came running up, Jc had my pennyboard.

"Thanks Jc!" I said, snatching it away playfully. It was only 4, so we decided to go in, and play video games. Im a sucker for COD!! I beat all of the guys! Then, we ate around 5:30. Then it got later, and we decided on truth or dare. I went first.

"Connor, truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare!" He jumps up like a ninja! We all laugh.

"I dare you to put this lampshade on your head, and run around outside screaming 'i love kitties!'"

"KITTIES!!!" was all he said before putting the lampshade on his head, and running outside. I got it on video. That was hilarious!! He didnt want to stop!

"Trevor, truth or dare?" Connor asks, once we get hom inside, finally!

"Truth." He probably knows that Connor would dare him to do something outrageous.

"Is it true, you changed your hair, and clothes before coming, for girl Sam?" He asked the question I'd been wondering all night.

"Hell no." Trevor said flatly, no emotion.

"Ouch." I put my hand over my heart, but it did really hurt, I sorta like him, ya know? He just shrugs.

"Sam, truth or dare?" Trevor asks the guy Sam.

"Dare ." Ooooh, we got a risk taker!

"I dare you to put a pair of underwear over your pants and dance around for a minute." Sam was obviously expecting this, so he asks Ricky for a pair of underwear, and gets what he asked for. He put the underwear on, and did the dare. I also got it on tape!!

"Sam, truth or dare?" I was asked by Sam. Thats funny. I still dont know him well enough to tell what he would dare me, or 'truth' me.

"Truth?" I said, but it came out as more of a question. He grinned evily. I instantly regret saying anything.

"What did you want Trevor to say about his truth."

"I wanted him to say no." I lied instantly. Bad habits due to the bullies in Colorado. I looked at Trevor from the corner of my eye, and he looked sad. He's just faking it though, such a prankster. It was just about 7, so we all went home. But, of course, not before exchanging numbers! My dad looked so sad when I walked in the door, but he put on a smile when he saw me.

"Hi dad!" I love my dad, he is my only family. My dad's only brother, Uncle Hal, died in the army, he had no family, just us. My dad is always depressed on the anniversary, but I know he tries to be happy for me. He gives my army looking gifts.

"Hi sweetie, oh, I have something for you!" Oh, no, is it today? No, maybe its just a little early birthday present. He held out a small velvet covered blue box. I opened it to see. A ring on a necklace, with my uncle's name on it. I cant stop the tears.

"Daddy!" I gave him a huge hug. We talked, thats when I remembered, this year, I had saved up to get my dad a gift. I ran upstairs to get it. It was a big box. He opened it, and he smiled, I could see the tears lining his eyes. It was a cammo teddy bear, on the front, it said 'R.I.P. Hal.' And on the back, 'I love you, my brother. " I saw a tear stream down his face. I wiped it away, and kissed my dad on the cheek before heading to bed.

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