Chapter 1

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        Dean, Sam and Cas were sitting together at a table, inside some random bar they had found to celebrate the completion of their most recent hunt.

                    “…But, seriously though Sam, when that ghostly whore grabbed you I nearly laughed my ass off at the look on your face!” Dean said, throwing his head back and laughing loudly as Sam glared at him.

                    “Well next time a ghost decides to grope me, I’ll be sure to get it on film for you.” Sam chuckled, taking a long sip of the beer in his hands. “Oh, Cas. Thanks for the help on this hunt buddy, we appreciate it.”

        Castiel looked up, from what seemed like a deep thought, but the Winchester boys knew better.

                    “So, what’s going on in Angel Radio?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow at the sudden tenseness that came from the angel’s shoulders.

                    “I-I have to go.” Castiel said, quickly raising from his chair and vanishing, leaving behind only the faint sound of wings flapping.

                    “I wonder what the hell is happening now. I swear, if there is another apocalypse that you started, tell me now.” Dean said jokingly, giving Sam a look.

                    “Jeez, a guy starts the end of the world one time, and people just won’t let it go.” Sam laughed, standing up himself and putting on his jacket. “C’mon. Let’s hit the motel, I’m exhausted.”  Dean rose, picking through his wallet and throwing a couple of fives on the table, before rushing to catch up to Sam.

                    “Seriously though, I wonder what has got Cas so worked up. Do you think he will come back and tell us?” Dean asked his brother as they pulled out of the parking lot and started their way to their crappy motel room.

                    “Look, I don’t know man. Angel Radio is weird and I was molested by a ghost today so, I think it’s just best if we just sleep off the things that happened today.” Sam sighed, looking at his brother worriedly. “I’m sure Cas is fine Dean, he will come back. He always does.” Dean said nothing, and they rode in uncomfortable silence until they reached the motel parking lot. “I call first shower.” Sam said excitedly as he and Dean got out of the Impala.

                    “Wha- Hell no! You take all the hot water!” Dean barked as Sam rushed to the dirty motel door, opening it and shooting Dean a evil grin as he ran inside and quickly shut the door behind him. “Sonofabitch!” Dean muttered as he slowly walked to the door, quickly whipping around when he heard the familiar sound of wings flapping.  Castiel had appeared behind him, looking worried. “Cas! What happened? Why’d you have to go all of a sudden?” Dean asked, walking up to the angel and placing a hand on his shoulder. Castiel sighed and looked up at Dean with distressed eyes.

                    “I-I was chosen to be the new fledgling master. I have to create a new angel, Dean…” Castiel sighed dropping his head and rubbing his calloused hands over his face.

                    “What the hell does that entail exactly? Creating a new angel, I mean.” Dean asked, dropping his hand and looking at Castiel with worried eyes.

                    “It’s similar to a human’s pregnancy. I will carry a new grace inside of me for around nine months and release it into Heaven, where it is my duty to nurture and care for this new grace until it finds, as you put it, a “meat suit”, and becomes a fully grown angel. This process takes about two human years.” Castiel explained, slowly sounding more frantic as he went on.

“Huh. So basically you are having a kid, without being giving a choice as to whether or not you want to do this?” Dean asked lightly.

                      “Yes. That is correct. Every Angel is forced to do this at some point of their existence. Mine just so happens to be now.” Cas said pulling his hand through his already rustled hair.

                    “Wait, so you already have the grace inside you?” Dean asked, bewildered. He took a couple of steps back and noticed that Castiel’s dress shirt was in fact slightly more taught around the middle than before.

                    “My eyes are up here, Dean.” Castiel said, chuckling along with Dean at his joke. Suddenly Catiel tensed. “I have to go again Dean but one more thing before I go…”

                    “Yeah, what is it?” Dean asked quickly.

                    “It’s a girl…”Cas said quietly before vanishing with the faint sound of wings flapping.

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