Chapter 2

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" Woah, woah, woah. So Angels give birth to new graces, that later become Angels?" Sam said, astonished. "Bobby would've gotten a kick out of this one. "

"No kidding. What are we going to do? I mean Cas might not be able to be helping us now that he has a new side kick. "  Dean asked, sitting up from the bed and crossing the room, looking at the table that he had searched for lore while Sam was in the shower.

"I guess he'll be our research team. I mean it's always better to have an extra pair of eyes than nothing at all." Sam shrugged, his eyes suddenly widened. " Wait, I thought Angels were gender less ? How could it be a girl?"

"Excellent question Sam, I've been asking the same thing. " a deep voice said behind the boys. It was Cas, only a very tired, angry looking Cas.

" Hey... What's wrong?" Dean asked, walking over to Cas and leading the Angel into a chair in the small motel room.

" They took away my 'angel radio' ," Cas raised his hand, mimicking quotation marks with his fingers, " as you like to call it. I was asking questions about the grace inside me, they didn't like it. Dean I think whatever is inside me is more than just a grace. I- It feels much stronger than just a grace. It's powerful. Too powerful. I think it will destroy me...". Cas brought his hands to his face and ran them through his already rambunctious hair. Sam and Dean were speechless. Suddenly Cas was standing. "NO! NO! THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! " Cas roared, his eyes actually starting to glow a electric blue.

" Cas, what's going on? Tell us what's happening!" Dean yelled, mustering up the courage to grab Cas's shoulders and try to shake him. ( It was like attempting to shake a solid piece of steel.)

" They've put Her inside me. Dean this isn't just an angel of God, a grace. This is much, much greater. The thing inside me, is a child of God. "

"Wait, I thought we were all children of God?" Sam asked, eyes wide.

"No, you are just his creations. His art. The grace inside me is more. It is the child of God. The daughter of God. " Cas said in a voice above a whisper. His face an ashy white. Dean and Sam said nothing. All were in shock.

" So this is like the chick version of Jesus? But, wait I thought that was given to a human to carry, like Mama Mary?" Dean questioned.
"No, she's stronger than Christ. She is going to save Earth and bring salvation. Heaven couldn't risk a human containing this much power. But, why didn't they tell me it was Her?" Cas wondered.
"I can actually answer that one baby daddy." Crowley said, strolling into the room from the bathroom.
"What in the hell?! Crowley?! How long have you been in there?!" Sam asked bewildered.
"Since Beyoncé. Lovely vibrato, Sam." Crowley winked. Sam turned a new shade of scarlet. " Now anyways, Daddy-o, it's not just her. She has the regular grace of an angel. But when you have double trouble, it's going to feel stronger. Congrats, boys! It's twins!" Crowley barked, a sly smile sliding across his cheeks.
"What?!" Cas growled, obviously furious.
" She has a twin sister, only the Other isn't as Holy go Lucky as the other. The Other's goal is to bring Lucifer back into power. So basically they are giving you the task to raise the good and the bad because if one is killed or hurt, so is the other. " Crowly explained, pacing the room. Castiel looked distraught. Dean looked like he was about to pass out. Sam was peering into the bathroom trying to figure out how Crowly had been able to hide in there.
"How do you know this?!" Castiel shouted.
"We all have our sources. Now I have a hell to run. Ta Ta for now boys." And with a puff of red smoke and the faint smell of sulfur, the King of Hell vanished.
Dean passed out.
Sam rushed to his laptop.

Castile sat down on the dirty motel bed as the tears slowly ran down his face and his hands clasped in prayer.

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