8. Mishal and Lucy

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Back in New York...

Gunshots and explosions are heard as the Rikers are firing onto 2 Division Agents named Mishal Phoenix and Lucy. Lucy is a gem, an extra terrestrial being from a distant galaxy.

Mishal: "Back off!"

Lucy: "I got this!"

She throws a grenade towards them, spooking some Rikers there.

Rikers: "Grenade! Watch o-


Mishal: "Alright!"

More Rikers arrive and the gunshots intensify.

ISAC: "More hostiles approaching."

Mishal: "We have to retreat to the subway! Come on!"

The 2 agents run towards the enterance to the subway and they run towards an old train. They enter it and close the doors to slow the Rikers down, they open the doors on the other side and they run through the halls up towards the stairs to the streets. They make it to the surface and they keep running for a few minutes. They stop at Chelsea neighbourhood.

Mishal: "You ok?"

Lucy: "Of course. No scratches or anything. I'm fine."

Mishal: "Good."

They look around the neighbourhood and notice a house with an orange circle on its door.

Mishal: "Looks like a Division agent was here. Come on, it's now a new safe house."

(It's the house where Caleb was in!)

They walk in and see footprints on the carpet. Then, ISAC speaks up.

ISAC: "Echo detected."

The 2 of them play the ECHO and see an agent on the couch. ISAC marks the agent as Caleb Beckett.

Mishal: "What was he doing here?"

They watch his hologram enter the basement and a hologram of a portal is there. They watch him walk in and the portal closes, and the ECHO ends.

Mishal: "A portal...I thought they were impossible to make."

Lucy: "Well not in this case. We should-

ISAC: "Enemies nearby."

Rioters are throwing bricks and rocks at the door and window. Some are even shooting it since it's locked.

Rioter: "Hey! Open up! We will use brute force!"

Lucy: "Oh gosh. They're here!"

Then, the portal from the hologram appears behind them as they hear the door breaking.

Mishal: "We have no choice but to jump through!"

Lucy: "What if we die if it sends us somewhere hostile."

Mishal: "There's a chance that the agent we saw in the ECHO is still alive. And again, we have no choice."

Lucy and Mishal jump in just in time as the door breaks down. The portal then closes up.

To be continued...

Here, one of my followers granted me accesss to use their new OCs.

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