Chapter 21

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"I'm feeling so sad these days you know."

An Qi complained and began sipping on her drink.

"Why? What happened?"

Xueer worriedly asked and put her one hand on the smaller's shoulder.

Yu Yan was just beside them sipping her drink.

"You haven't been hanging out with me and Yan these days. You're always with Jiaqi."

An Qi uttered and pouted. Xueer sighed and took her hand off the girl.

"Sorry then."

Xueer apologized and chuckled due to her friend's cute complain.

Yu Yan then decided to speak up.

"You two seemed to be growing closer. I thought you hated her."

Xueer just showed a small smile after hearing her friend's words.

"I guess I was wrong thinking that Jiaqi is nothing but a flirt and naughty student. She isn't bad at all."

Xueer said.

"Do you... like her?"

An Qi suddenly asked that made Xueer choke on her drink. Yu Yan, on the other hand, tapped the redhead's back to comfort the girl.

"Why did you choke out of a sudden?"

An Qi asked while Xueer glared at her.

"Stop asking those kind of questions. I just broke up with my ex 2 months ago and now you're asking me if I like Jiaqi? No! Ofcourse not."

Xueer defended herself but deep inside, She's confused.

Confused with why she'll froze everytime Jiaqi would say sweet things, Why her cheeks would always heat up whenever the taller does little things for her.

But she's making herself believe that she's just happy because someone cares for her.

"Fine, Whatever. I'm heading back to class."

An Qi said and stood up.

"By the way, I won't be at the student council room later. I'll be sleeping over at Yuxin's. See you gays!"

The smallest said and walked away. Now there's only Xueer and Yu Yan sitting down the bench located at the field.

"How's work?"

Yu Yan asked.

"I'm worn out, Honestly."

Xueer said and chuckled.

"Your parents are asking me where you are."

Yu Yan said that made Xueer froze.

Her parents? After 2 months of not saying anything are now finding her?

"W-Why? What did they say?"

Xueer asked with her head hung low.

"They are worried and are also asking you to come back."

Yu Yan said. Xueer sighed before looking up at the girl beside her.

"Yan, I don't think I would."

Xueer uttered.

"Huh? Whay do you mean?"

Yu Yan asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I left their side almost 2 months ago and they are asking me to come back? I'm all good by myself now, Yan."

Xueer sighed.

"And besides, I don't want to leave Jiaqi's side."

The redhead continued.

Yu Yan was surprised hearing that from her friend. She knows how much Xueer hates Jiaqi even before and she's confused and curious with what's going on with the two.

"It's still all up to you, Xueer. I'll always take your side."

Yu Yan said while tapping Xueer's shoulder.

Xueer just smiled at her friend.


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