Chapter One: Indirect Introductions and Assumptions

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 “Do you understand Alice?” asked the woman leaning over the girl “Like I told you before, if all goes well then you’ll be staying there. Is every thing going to go well?” she asked sternly tucking a black curl that had escaped her tight bun behind her ear. The girl nodded furiously “Yes Mrs. Heshington, everything will go well” she said in a quite voice looking up at the woman a suitcase beside her, a constant companion through her life. “Good good, well off with you then time to go” the woman’s face softened as she smoothed the little girls shoulders ushering her through the airport gate  “Goodbye Mrs. Heshington” the little girl waved before following a crowd of people to the gate “Goodbye Alice, I wish you well in your new home” Mrs. Heshington said turning and leaving the airport flagging a taxi back to the agency.

 Alice climbed up the steps to the plane a little black backpack on her shoulders as she ascended towards the doors. A man scoffed behind her and even knowing what was coming she turned to face him “Filthy little orphan, what’s with this airline letting dirt like you on board, just hurry up and disappear, and dress properly for gods sake filthy freak show!” He pushed the girl to the side roughly barging past her and into the plane. The woman who had been behind him reached out to help the girl but hesitated pulling back, Its wasn’t smiled upon to help an orphan. Alice got up nonetheless brushing herself off and climbing the stairs two at a time into the plane.

 The attendant at the door took her ticket pointing to a seat in the back corner, where nobody would have to see her unless looking at her, It wasn’t said aloud but Alice knew, an orphan was dirty and people didn’t socialize with dirt she was sure if in their position she would be the same too. But she wasn’t, she was an orphan and nothing was going to change that, it would haunt her even after she turned eighteen. There would be jobs she wasn’t permitted, higher taxes and more, not to mention people would always look down on her. She nodded regardless bowing respectively, taking the ticket back and walking down the aisle to her seat passing the man as she did, he huffed in disgust.  She knew it was coming when he smirked; it wasn’t original at all when from his aisle seat he stuck out his foot as she walked past.

  She was aware, people didn’t need to remind her all the time how pitifully disgusting a being she is, but they always did. It was small and out of character but she spent more time on planes than in a bed, so why shouldn’t she defy this man, just this once. She hopped over his foot landing softly on the floor without a sound and continuing to her seat silently dropping the carry on at her feet and listening to the hushed tones of the other passengers as the attendant announced the take off of the plane. She looked around her tucked away corner seat, it was a small chair with an old tray and tiny window to the world below, she stared out the glass for a while blankly watching the clouds drifting past the plane, she shivered pulling the flap closed as far as it would go over the window and hugging her legs to her chest laying her head in her knees drifting into a waking sleep.

   She wandered into the airport lobby her case trailing behind her as she pulled it along, nobody was there for her yet so she set her case against a wall hopping onto it perching herself comfortably to wait for someone to come for her. 


 He had snuck out to play around in town with his friends, they weren’t supposed to but he did anyway, they always did. What would happen to them anyway?

 But he had never been gladder he broke rules on a whim, they’d ben racing to a secret base they hid in all the time, and had passed the airport when they did. And he was glad they had. People at the airport weren’t exactly very nice and Joshua wasn’t very fond of them, but he saw her. She was small and dressed in blue clothes, her dark browns hair, Chestnut colored he decided, hung in relaxed ringlets around her her pale face as her green eyes scanned the crowd. She was sitting on top of a large suitcase against a wall her feet dangling over the edge as she waited for someone to come and get her, he watched her taking in every detail he could while she was there, she was different from any of the girls he knew, like his friend Amanda with her tanned skin and blond hair framing her blue eyes, he was sure others saw her as extremely pretty but she wasn’t really for him.

Joshua’s group of friends stopped looking back when they noticed he wasn’t with them “What happened to Josh?” a brown eyed boy asked looking around worriedly “Dunno, he was right here, wait I see him he’s over there back at the airport! What’s he doing?” said a caramel haired boy pale blue eyes locked on his best friend curiously “Go see if you’re so curious! He’s your best friend Westly!” said a blond and blue-eyed girl “Kay! Thanks Amanda!” yelled Westly taking off after his best friend “…Urgh! Fine come on Chester! If your so worried we can go find out too!” and they jogged after the two boys.

 “Joshua didn’t notice when his best friend jogged up beside him nor did he hear him asking what he was doing, he was only aware when a puff of air was sucked in beside him suddenly as Westly gazed at the girl through the window “…I know right?” Joshua said watching his friend take in the girl’s appearance “Yeah” he breathed. Both boys turned back to the girl again as Amanda and Chester approached. “There’s no point in fantasizing numbskulls, you couldn’t get close to her if you wanted, you’ll never be able to” Amanda criticized shifting her weight to one side. “…Guys…” Chester sighed sympathetically “Yeah we know, shut up Amanda” both boys snapped at the same time never looking from the girl even as she hopped off her suitcase dragging it over to a local orphanage supervisor handing him a card nodding at him as he ushered her out into the cold frosted street opening a tinted windowed car and driving towards the Fair-weather orphanage

“Perhaps I was wrong” Amanda remarked, and all four dashed after the car.

(Notes: If you didn’t get it already I tried to get across they –Joshua, West, Amanda and Chester- didn’t get she was an orphan until the supervisor picked her up, after that they dashed after to get home to the orphanage, When Amanda was talking about Alice before she was telling them that their orphans and she’s not they couldn’t even so much as speak to her so they shouldn’t get their hopes up and move on, and of course realizes that’s wrong.  Comment or message me if you have any questions or anything^^)

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