Chapter two: Designated Armchair's and Boy's Plans

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 They arrived panting bent over themselves as puffs of warm air made clouds in front of them "T-the car. e-empty" Westly stuttered pointing to the vehicle beside him as he gasped catching his breath "S-she must be inside already then, q-quick!" Joshua rushed into the old building where he spotted her right away. Sitting right there at a table in an old worn red velvet armchair, it suited her he thought smiling to himself. Her feet were curled up under her, brown lace up boots abandoned on the hardwood floor along with a black and white stripe scarf and large bag, like a carry on, yeah probably her carry on he thought happily as the other three observed with him "...hey!" Amanda hissed at a boy walking passed, he stopped hesitantly "What'cha know about her?" she jabbed her thumb at Alice across the room curled up gazing out the window where it had started snowing softly. "Oh her? Names Alice shes fifteen, this is her 174th orphanage, apparently she never stay's anywhere long, Pretty quiet, Auntie Martha introduced her as our pretty new friend, she nodded and Auntie Martha waved us all away, after that she sat in the chair and hasn't moved since, not a word spoken, probably doesn't plan on staying i bet, Kenny's got a tenner on before Christmas." Amanda nodded waving him away an order he greatly accepted hurrying away before she could stop him again.

  Joshua and Westly looked at each other matching grins plastered on their faces "Alice" they nodded then turning made their way out of the room "Hey?!" Amanda yelled after them, they spun back "Yeah?" Westly asked "Arn't you gonna talk to her?" the blond asked disbelievingly "Course we will" Joshua stated and with that both boys exited the room. Amanda shook her head walking to a table and waving a group of kids away claiming it for herself, Chester sitting across from her with a sigh "Their cooking something" she muttered 

"Arn't they always?" Chester laughed shaking his head glancing at Alice across the room, oblivious to the effect she was having on two of his best friends completely engrossed in the snowflakes falling past her window.


 "The chair suited her" Westly sighed leaning against the back wall of the Fair-weather orphanage 

"Yeah i was thinking that too" Joshua chimed beside him "She's pretty pale, don't think she's caught a old or something do you?" he asked worriedly 

"No no no! Couldn't have! How longs she been here, an hour?" He guessed "Can't catch a cold that fast, bet its just natural, she doesn't look the outdoorsy type either"

"Yeah more like a cutie bookworm type,super shy and super smart right" Joshua thought tilting his head up to watch the snow she seemed to intent on watching. 

"Yeah! That sounds really good! Bet it is her type too, cutie bookworm shy and smart" Westly laughed warming his hands with his own breath 

"You think she likes the snow?" Joshua mused watching the flakes against his dark hoodie smiling at the unique shapes 

"...Yeah, i bet she does, Bet she's the type that likes making snow angels and building ice castles and cutting paper snow flakes" the boy chuckled 

"Do you really think she'll be gone by Christmas?" Joshua asked nervously tearing his gaze from the snow to look at his best friend

"She can't just leave, we haven't even spoken to her yet" Westly said desperately turning to Joshua 

" hundred and seventy fourth, she must spend her whole life moving from one place to the next!" Joshua exclaimed nervously 

"...Then this'll be the one she stay's at." Westly decided firmly nodding at his best friend

"Yes, we'll keep her here for good, I'm sure Chester will like her" Joshua grinned 

"And i bet sh'e loads nicer than Amanda" Westly nodded chuckling under his breath 

"Oh i'm sure!" Joshua laughed along with his best friend "Now how to approach this..."


 Alice had been at Fair-weather orphanage for two weeks already, and they only person she'd spoken to was the orphanage director, normally she would have called her Ms Martha, but Ms Martha would have none of that "Auntie Martha, Your to address me as Auntie Martha!" The woman was as Alice learned was quite cruel to the other children, only being nice to her select 'favorites' children who had pretty faces and did whatever was asked of them Alice learned. But she also learned that although holding a strong distaste for those less attractive and not so willing to obey her hand and foot they was a group of particular ones she loathed above the rest, four who she remembered watching her in the first few days, Chester a boy with sandy blond hair and caramel colored eyes, Amanda a pretty blond and blue eyed girl with a sharp tongue, Westly a boy with bright orange hair she was almost sure must glow to be that orange and Joshua another boy with medium brown hair and icy blue eyes. They seemed to be quite close almost family like, it always made her smile,to be the eyesore of an orphan but still have a happy family around you. But Auntie Martha hated them with a fiery passion, probably because they broke the rules and disobeyed her so often. They frequently left the orphanage running out into the constant snowfall. She often caught them watching her on the off time they were actually at the orphanage but pretended not to notice. Alie spent the majority of her days in what had become her designated seat, the red velvet worn armchair by the window with a wonderful view of the city and countryside covered in the beautifully glimmering snow. She loved the snow it was beautiful, full of grace and dignity she adored watching the gentle fall of flakes drifting past the window often occupying large amounts of time partaking in that activity 

  Today she sat in her usual chair an open book in her lap but she wasn't reading it anymore having long since abandoned it for the silent beauty of the snow. Alice stifled a yawn leaning into the chair oblivious to the group of people who so often watched her shuffling down the stairs into the main room she was sat in.

  Amanda, Chester, Westly and Joshua bounded down the stairs in scarves and gloves obviously going out again. they paused at the door Joshua and Westly instantly locking in on Alice's chair, as usual she was watching the snow again. "Ugh, quit drooling or i wont help" Amanda snapped flipping her hair over he shoulder, Chester sighed "We'll go on ahead, good luck" he patted his friends backs giving them reassuring smiles and following Amanda out the door down the familiar streets to their 'secret base'.

  "Ready?" Joshua asked his best friend giving a final wave to Chester and Amanda as the door swung closed "Nope" Westly replied lowering his own hand. "but i might never be so lets go anyway" h finished brown eyes twinkling as the cogs turned in his mind playing out their plan in his head, Joshua nodded the same going on in his own mind "Got it then?" he asked "Yup, you?" Westly asked, Joshua nodded to his best friend. They looked back at Alice in her red velvet armchair watching the snow peacefully, looking like a doll in the chair the only clue the rising of her cheast and shoulders as she breathed. Nodding once more they strode over confidently "Why, hello there Miss Alice" Joshua smiled putting a hand on one armrest, Westly mimicking him with the other "Would'nt you rather go out and and see the snow first person?" he asked "You know i do believe she would if i say so myself "Joshua answered before Alie could say anything "Then lets take her, shall we" Westly smiled "We shall" Joshua grinned and both boys lifted the girl by the elbow leading her across the room and out the door before anything could be said.

  (A bit rushed you can probably tell, i might add more later but not sure anyway hoe you like it so far, changed some peoples looks too but over all I'm actually pretty happy with this so far, please feel free to let me know what you think!^^ anyway hope your enjoying~)

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