Judging Criteria

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The Judges need to read the first five chapters of the book. It's up to you if you read the prologue. Of course you can keep reading if you were caught on the story but please only judge the first 5 chapters.

There is also a prize for the judges!

- A shoutout

- A follow

- An unique sticker

- Your book will be read + commented on (if you have one)

All you need to do for this is to give us the results on time AND you need to write a full review on the story (first 5 chapters) on the book with the highest score. Write sentences to all the points below, constructive critism is welcomed. The best review gets the prize.

Thank you and good luck!

Usual judging pattern:

Cover: 10 Points

(Does it catch your attention? Is it well made? Is the headline clearly visible? Does it represent what the story is about?)

Blurb: 10 Points

(Does it catch your attention? Is the length okay? How well does it explain what the story is about?)

Language: 10 Points

(Are there common mistakes, that can be prevented, for example 'you're/your'? Is the punctuation correct?)

Creativity: 20 Points

(Is the story unique? Is the main character unique? Is it mainstream? )

Plot: 20 Points

(Is the plot understandable? Does it engage you? Are there plot holes? Is the story going too fast/too slow? )

Aesthetics: 10 Points

(Are the chapters aesthetically pleasing? Are the headlines correct? Is the overall impression messy or neat? Are there paragraphs?)

Overall enjoyment: 20 Points

(Would you continue reading the story? Did you enjoy reading? Is there something that could be improved?)


Cover: 10 Points

(Does it catch your attention? Is it well made? Is the headline clearly visible? Does it represent what the story is about?)

Blurb: 10 Points

(Does it catch your attention? Is the length okay? How well does it explain what the story is about?)

Language: 10 Points

(Are there common mistakes, that can be prevented, for example 'you're/your'? Is the punctuation correct?)

Creativity: 20 Points

(Is it unique? Does it engage you? Are the topics unique? Is it mainstream?)

Topics: 20 Points

(Are the topics well chosen and explained? Did the poems emotionally touch you?)

Aesthetics: 10 Points

(Are the chapters aesthetically pleasing? Are the headlines correct? Is the overall impression messy or neat? Are there paragraphs?)

Overall enjoyment: 20 Points:

(Would you continue reading the story? Did you enjoy reading? Is there something that could be improved?)

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