Chapter 1: Waking Up

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Celia's POV

I woke up in hospital bed to the sound of beeping and IV's in arms. This was my normal routine checkup at the doctors. It's not easy being a cancer patient, let alone being one of five others in the world. My cancer was very rare that only a few people in the world had it. You'd think that I would be terrified, but I've been battling this since my freshman year in high school. I was now college graduate at the age of 22.

I haven't had an attack since my senior year in high school but I still had to do overnight checkups like this every two months. Since it was a rare cancer and I had been surviving with it for eight years, they wanted to do tests to see if they were close to finding a cure.

The doctors didn't think I would make it this far. This disease gives a time limit on life and almost everyone who has had it passed away from it within three years. I'm one of two who have survived this long. You'd think that I was scared of the fact that I could die at any moment, but I wasn't. In fact I welcomed death with open arms. It didn't matter to me if I died at all, if I die I die, it's as simple as that.

A rumbling noise outside pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked out the window and saw dark ominous clouds coming this way. It looked like there was going to be a big storm coming soon.

I heard a knock on the door. "Miss Celia? Are you finally awake?" A nurse came in with a big smile and checked my heart rate and IV bags. "Well good, it looks like you're stable. I'll let Dr. Khan know. He should be in shortly to see you."

"Thank you." I said. She smiled at me and left the room.

Not too long after the nurse left my doctor finally came in to see me. He was in his late twenty's and he was tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was an attractive doctor and everyone would agree. In the four years that I've know him he's always been friendly towards everyone he meets. I always admired that about certain trait about him.

"Good morning Miss Celia, how are you today?" He smiled at me like he always did and sat on the edge of my bed. He reached for my wrist to take my pulse.

"Still living I suppose." I told him sarcastically.

He chuckled. "Still have your humor I see, that's good." He finished taking my pulse and put on his stethoscope. I sat up so that he could place it on my back. I shuddered when the cold metal touched me through my gown. Dr. Khan chuckled again. "Is it cold?"

I laughed. "It's always cold, the same with your hands. They always feel like ice." I looked at him and smiled.

"There's the smile I've been looking for! I'm glad I'm the first person to make you smile today." He looked at me with kind eyes.

"So all you wanted was to make me smile?"

"Of course! I love seeing you smile Celia. It brightens up my day whenever I see your smile." I couldn't tell if he was being genuine or sarcastic. Then again, I could never tell what he was thinking. Dr. Khan was always so kind to me but I wasn't sure if it was just a doctor to patient kindness or something more.

I was pulled out of my trance when Dr. Khan stood up from the bed and began taking out my IV's. "Well I believe that is all for today. You seem to be stable and there are no signs of distress in your body. I think you are doing very well." He went over to the side table and pulled out my change of clothes. "Here are your clothes. Once you have changed you may come down to reception to schedule another appointment." And with that he walked out of the room.

I quickly changed put of my gown and into my clothes. It felt so good to be back in normal clothing. I never liked to feeling of being in a hospital gown. It was uncomfortable having to take off everything but my panties and just wear the gown. I always felt like people could see through it.

Pushing that out of my mind I grabbed my bag and headed down to reception. Instead of meeting the normal receptionist lady, I found Dr. Khan sitting there waiting for me.

"So not only are you doing my checkups, you're also going to make my appointments?"

"All the more reason to make sure you're okay," He smiled. "Actually I'm here because I forgot to give you something." He pulled out a card with a phone number on it. "This is my cell number. I want you to call me anytime you need, even if you just need someone to talk to, I'll be here to listen."

I took the card from him. I was a bit surprised that he would do something like this and I was at a loss for words. "Thank you, that's very kind." And I forced a small smile. I was feeling very awkward. "I'll see you in two months I suppose."

"Take care Miss Celia!"

"You too Dr. Khan." And with that, I walked out of the hospital and into the pouring rain. I got into my car almost soaking wet and started the engine. I watched the rain as I waited for my car warm up. I loved thunderstorms but this didn't seem like a normal thunderstorm. And I had a strange feeling that something was going to happen on my way home.

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