Chapter 2: Mysterious Man

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Celia's POV

It takes me about a half hour to get home from the hostpital since I live in the mountains. I only live up there beacause I'm a bit antisocial. Being around too many people makes me feel like an outsider and I get all awkward. It may not show on the outside, but on the inside it's like my mind is sitting in a corner rocking back and forth. It is not a pleasant feeling.

Any other day, driving home was calm and peaceful. But today it is a complete mess. It was only three in the afternoon but the sky was almost black. The rain kept coming down harder and harder with thunder and lightning exploding in the sky. It was beginning to worry me but I didn't know why. I've driven in this kind of weather many times but I've never felt like this.

The lightning was brightening up the sky making it seem like flashes of day. It was actually a good thing because I could barely see in front of me even with my headlights on. I looked at my spedometer quickly and saw it was at 90.

When did I begin driving so fast? I thought to myself. I guess with my desire to get home quickly it boosted up my driving speed. I had to slow down before I hurt myself or someone else. But then again, no one ever drove or walked in the mountains at this time of day.

At that moment, everything happened in an instant. I caught a glimpse of something moving in front of me and I swerved out of the way hitting the break as hard as I could. After what seemed like forever, my swiriling car came to a stop. When I was completely sure that both me and my car were fine, I grabbed my flashlight out of the glove compartment and got out of the car.

I know I didn't hit whatever was infront of me, I never heard or felt anything. I began to search for whatever it was while the rain was still pouring on my head. Turning on my flashlight I began to search. The light was dim so it was kind of hard to see.

I was moving my light around quickly when I spotted something over to my left. I heard it moan in agony.

"Hello?" I called. "Is there someone there?" I heard it moan again.

I ran over as fast as I could and kneeled down. It was hard to see even with the flashlight but I was sure it was a man. I reached out and touched his back when he moaned again.

I instantly took my hand away. "Sir, did I hit you?"

"No... No you did not.."

I touched him again trying to flip him over when I felt something hard in his stomach. I looked closer and saw the handle of a knfe sticking out. He groaned again.

"Sir we need to get you to a hospital."

The second I mentioned a hospital he grabbed my arm. "Do not... Do not take me to a hospital. I.. I can handle this.." Saying that he put his hand on the knife and pulled it out. It began to bleed profusively.

"Well now we have to get to a hospital you're bleeding!"

"I said no. I... refuse to go.." He started to stand up but fell back to his knees.

He was refusing but I couldn't just not do anything, he was going to die if his wound wasn't properly taken care of. "Fine. If you won't go to a hospital than you're coming to my house. It's only five minutes away so it won't take long. And I am not taking no for an answer."

I put his arm around my shoulder and helped him to my car. He was reluctant at first but after I gave him a stern look he got in. I popped open the trunk to get some towels that I had in there from the summer. I got in and gave one to him. "Use this on your wound. Apply some pressure to slow down the bleeding." He did as I instructed and pressed down on his stomach.

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