Try-Out Trouble - Part 5

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The locker room smelled worse than usual. The pungent odor wafted through the air like a fanfare announcing a royal presence; but the only likeness Josh had to a king was perhaps the obesity. Years of letting himself go had accumulated an absurd amount of weight. He was quite aware that no one even remotely popular was keen on being his friend. The possibility of getting a girlfriend was likewise slim to none. Still, this did not stop him from giving up his chase for love. 

Josh's definition of love changed a lot throughout the years. At first, he fell in love with any girl that gave him a drop of attention. A simple 'hello' was enough for him to fall head over heels. He tried to chat, hang out, and date, but girls were adamant in wanting no part of him. 

The rejection was hard, but it only made him want a girlfriend even more. His tastes began to devolve—from an innocent attraction to an insatiable hunger. An appetite for girls' bodies festered within his gelatinous self. Perhaps it was his inability to touch and caress their delicate forms that pushed him over the edge. But his obsession over girls had reached a ripening point when he took a good look at Stephanie.  

Though they had never had a real conversation, he had known of her for many years. She was pretty but managed to mostly stay under his radar as he prospected other, prettier girls. But after that fateful day on the basketball court after the P.E. midterm his whole perspective of her—and of girls—had changed. 

Never, in a million years, had he expected Stephanie to wear something so provocative. The long sleeve top with the belly showing was enough to give him a nose bleed if he wasn't careful and stared for too long. But, surprisingly, it was more than just her physical body that infatuated Josh. Perhaps just as, if not more potent, was her personality. She was bubbly, kind, and smart. But also, shy, innocent, and all-in-all quite oblivious to what was going on around her.

Normally, these traits were easily overlooked, but in the case of a belly-baring girl, it was perfect. He hadn't known what he was looking for before, but after seeing Stephanie casually baring her cute tummy, he knew he had found it: The perfect belly girl that could easily be taken advantage of. 

He had already tried earlier that day in the Yearbook room but Ms. Reed's rash disposition had ensured that it wasn't going to happen. But he was close—he felt it. She was fumbling for an excuse—a way out. If there was ever a next time, he would ensure she couldn't escape again. 

That opportunity didn't seem to present itself at the moment, yet, Josh could feel something in the air—and it surely wasn't his body odor. Stephanie's outfit left much to be desired, and still it exposed just the right amount of lower belly. For the whole day he just couldn't stop thinking about her. Knowing that she would be at the try-outs, he took his camera and sneaked into the hamper beforehand and awaited his angel. 

Coach Bahl was a surprise, but he followed the two into the locker rooms as sneakily as he could. He hid in the back, where it was the darkest. After setting up his vantage point, he looked at the photo album in his camera. He had taken a couple of candid photos of Stephanie throughout the day, but his prize was the 10 second video of her stretching in Yearbook class. 

He loved how she looked around shyly before committing to a huge back bend on the chair. Her arms were high in the air, and her shirt had inevitably risen, revealing her deep seductive belly hole.  The way the bottom hem rubbed against her succulent belly as it slowly rose sent chills down his back. Her tummy looked so vulnerable and begged for a squeeze and a poke. He rewatched it a couple of times and began drooling at the thought of him being inside that secluded office with her. He would probably tie her up and have that gleaming belly button at his mercy. Someday he promised. But for now, he focused on getting some more footage of that belly. The sound of the closet door opening caught his attention. He lifted up his camera and pressed the 'record' button. The little red light turned on as he recorded. 

What he saw almost caused him to faint. He zoomed in on the delicious girl from top to bottom. He began at her slick brown hair, which was tied up into a tight ponytail. Then, her face. She was gorgeous, with light-brown eyes, a sprinkle of freckles, and dimples with small white teeth when she smiled. Best of all, perhaps, was the slightly puzzled and innocent expression—as if to say 'what am I doing here?' You know exactly what you're doing. He kept panning, past her delicate neck and to her breasts which were emphasized by the tightness of the laughably undersized t-shirt. The hem was located just below her firm B-cups. 

Josh finally panned to the insanely large swathe of Stephanie's tan colored belly skin which was exposed—not only to his eyes—but to Coach Bahl's too. He continued panning, traveling from her ribs down to her vulnerable belly button and about 4 inches of soft and plump lower belly until finally reaching her light blue low-rise jeans. At this point he was drooling up a storm and tried his best to contain his sexual urges and continue recording. 

"I.. think I'm ready," said Stephanie, breaking the silence and snapping Coach Bahl out of his hypnotized gaze. She looked so cute as she timidly hooked her finger into the belt loop and pulled down, subtly showing more of her chubby lower belly and a bit of her sexy hipbone. 

"Right," Coach Bahl did his best to compose himself. The shirt she had tried on was one that he had confiscated from a previous student. The idea of a girl choosing to willingly wear something that revealed so much belly was preposterous but also so stimulating. But what was even more exciting was forcing a shy girl to expose her gorgeous tummy. He was glad he had kept the slutty shirt, but he had to admit it looked infinitely better on Stephanie. Still, he tried his best not to stare at her belly. He didn't want her to think he was a creep, although he was sure that's what she was thinking. However, she looked very innocent and decided to tread carefully. He didn't want to spook her. 

"You may begin the cheer motions."

To be continued. Leave a comment!

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