15:jacks death

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(Amara's POV )
I sat beside him , watching as he draws each breath with difficulties. It was hard seeing him like that , the doctor told me that he had few chances of survival, but I had fate that he will survive and go home with me
I sat beside him as I placed his hands on mine and watched his heart closing to alert the doctor when they is any changes , I can't afford risking it , risking losing you jack , I can't ". I kissed him on his hands and held it tight as tears slide down.

Next I saw myself was on a road , I didn't know were I was but the present of someone relieved me

" hello ! What's happening? He was facing the other side of the road about to close over before I called
Surprised to see him , surprised to see my jack
I ran and embraced him , he couldn't believe that I was the one .

" what are you doing here Amara? He asked placing a kiss on my forehead .

" jack you have to come back please?"

"Am sorry I can't and you need to go back , I deserve to go home "

I can't believe that he refused me
" I thought you loved me , so you never loved me jack "

I saw tears that he was trying so hard to hide slipped down his cheeks
" how can you say that ,you know that I love you ,you know that you are my life but I have to go , my time is over "

" jack please ! I cuddled him tightly , he gently pulled me out but I couldn't let go , not when I have seen you .

" take care of Chidinma for me , I did a lot to her and her family , I hope she forgives me , take care of yourself , I love you Amara , you made me believe that am worthy of being loved "
" please! I screamed and woke up

What I heard next was noises

" get the cart ! I heard something shout
Tons of doctors and nurses rushed inside the room , the confusion was cleared on their expression as they ran trying to grab supplies

Slowly my heart went over to his heart monitor to see that it had stilled , my mouth dropped as tears flows down , I couldn't hear any word all I could see was the lifeless body of jack.

The nurse softly pushed me towards the door as i let out a scream after scream
" jack ! Jack! Please ! Wake up, I need you " I sobbed

Sounds begins to flow through my ear as everyone seems so panicked
They yelled " clear " as everyone moved out of the way and his body jolted from the force

" pls I need , you promise to fight , you promised to be with me jack, please!i can't do this without you "

I allowed myself to be pushed out of the room , I pressed my head against the glass window as I stared at him .

Then the doctor came out , the lack of hope in his face made me to drag his collar in anger , the nurse tried to pull me out but I was so angry that I couldn't let go .

" I'm so sorry but we lost him"

That words rings in my minds I couldn't find it in my heart to assimilate that word
" you didn't try your best , you let him die , he can't be dead , I know jack can't leave me , he wouldn't, No! I sobbed , I slumped on the floors
My body were shaking and I could feel my vein being pulled from my body , the thought of him were on repeat on my mind , his smiles , his anger , his love and his scent were all I see and feel , but slowly I couldn't feel them anymore , it was drifting away .
" how can I stay without you, how can I be normal without you jack , how can my life be full of pain and betrayal, God you gave him to me but then you took him from me also , why didn't you take me instead , why didn't you just let me die "e

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