Fancy Seeing You Here

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Maybe Kara Spring only 24 years of age, was searching the crowded Mine Con for an unsuspecting Duncan Jones. Or maybe the crowded convention hall had it decided before both of them had walked in the building. But what do you care you just want to hear the lovey dovey stuff right? Well love does not come first my dear reader, so you will have to wait.

'Yeah sure maybe it was a bother for me to drive all the way here when the guys could be anywhere.' I thought to myself as I looked around the massive hall. I was rolling a small suitcase full of gifts for the Yogscast if I ran into them. I found an open space to lean against the wall and took out my phone. I opened Twitter and checking Lewis's page. He had just sent a new tweet saying they were stopping for food and they would be there for an hour or so.

When I arrived at the food vendors I saw many groups of people looking around and chatting with their mates. Though one group stood out from the others, it was larger and they were the loudest group. I knew it was them when I heard Simon laugh and say "Oh my fucking God" it was a classic way to identify Simon Lane. I broke out into a grin and walked over composing myself.

"Lewis, I think we have a fan." Duncan said in a loud whisper voice leaning closer to Lewis. In the group there was a good amount of the Yogscast. Hannah was next to Lewis, and Simon next to her. Martyn was on the other side of Duncan and Sjin next to Martyn. Turps was next to where I was standing and on the other side of me was Kim. They all smiled and waved at me and I picked up my rolling bag and opened it. All of their eyes lit up when I opened the bag.

The first thing I pulled out was for Turps and it was a mug with his Minecraft skins face on it and he freaked out "Oh wow, this is brilliant thank you! We haven't even asked your name!" He exclaimed and I smiled.

"Kara Spring, and it's so nice to finally meet you! I have been watching since the Shadow Of Israphel days!" I replied happily and they all thanked me for the long time support and I smiled again.

Going around the circle I next pulled out my gift for Sjin, he stared at in in shack and amazement. I had drawn, painted, and framed a picture of his Minecraft skin giving Rapunzel and Finn from tangled beard rides. Rapunzel was hanging from the right side of his beard by her legs and Finn seated on the left side of his beard. I swear Sjin had a fangirl moment right there.

"Oh my god it's amazing!" He squealed and his eyes lit up as he continued to look at the drawing. I laughed at his reaction and pulled out Martyn's gift. It was a girly headband with a large oak sapling and the sapling logo jutting out of it. Martyn laughed with his adorable high pitched laugh and plopped it on his head. It was amazing and everyone just faceplalmed.

"Oo my turn yes!" Duncan said already jumping about with excitement. Duncans was the largest present in my pack and took up most of the room. I had hand made a very large Camerupt plush. It was the best Pokemon from him and Sjin's Pixelmon series. I pulled it out and Duncan and Sjin both exploded.

"It's fucking huge!" Duncan yelled and took it from me, while I was trying to hold back my laughter. He hugged it and it was so cute I had to take a picture. After that I fished out a letter I had written for Duncans eyes only. I handed the envelope to him and he stuck it in his pocket.

My bag has been nearly emptied out only four presents left. I picked up Lewis's and handed him a torch and the whole group burst out laughing. "Flipping heck." Lewis sighed as he looked at the torch in his hand.

"Sorry Kara but he might need more than just one!" Simon yelled making us all burst out laughing again. I then quickly grabbed another drawing I had made for Hannah and she smiled when she saw it. It was a drawing of owl island and she thanked me. I then pulled out Simons present and I knew he would like it. I had done a huge canvas painting of a derpy squid wearing a potato hat eating a Jaffa cake. I handed it to him and he squealed intensely loud. As he was going on about how much he adored the painting I handed Kim an anime version of her Minecraft skin. We all hugged and took pictures and I soon went on my way, wondering if Duncan would really read my note.

Duncan's POV~

I walked around all day waiting for a chance to read Kara's note. She was beautiful and I had to admit it, not to say our other fans weren't but she caught my eye. Her light pink hair and her shy smile made my stomach flip. Her green eyes were enthralling as their color was lighter at the pupil. And I could only hope she had written her social media in the note, because she was sweet and I wanted to thank her again.

For the rest of the day girls looked in awe as I carried around the large derpy camel with lava humps. I didn't get many gifts that day but it didn't really matter all that much to me, all that mattered was the note.

When we finally got back the the hotel I ran into my room and locked the adjoining room door. I slowly opened the note and it read...

Dear Duncan,
I hope your reading this alone because I really only want you to see. Now I have been watching the Yogscast for a long time now and I have been trying to meet you guys for years. I actually live two hours away from the Convention Center, but I had to meet you all. I hate to choose favorites but you would have to be mine. Your giggles and confusion and excitement always made me happy to watch your videos. When I was having a bad day I played Minecraft with your videos in the background. You just always make me happy and it is amazing to know I'm going to meet the person who has shown me that I am more than people think I am. I am trusting you with the information that follows and to never tell anyone. I know that I can trust you because I feel like I almost know you, but your always just beyond the screen. You see I haven't had the best life, and have had my fair share of tears and bullies but it's more than that. I dealt with my problems wrong hung around the wrong people. I became addicted to drugs and alcohol though I've come beyond that. You and the Yogscast have shown me that I can have fun without being drunk or high! Sure I have a few cigarettes here and there but I have been sober for a little over a year. I have gotten into gaming and music. None of this would have happened if I didn't find you guys, I would probably be dead by now. I did everything, I smoked weed, did heroin, cocaine and even molly at a party once. Well I guess I have to thank you Duncan because you always make me smile.

Twitter- karathekittydwarf

I quickly grabbed my phone and followed Kara on Twitter and I felt pain for her. But then I thought 'I've helped someone.'

(I hope you guys like it please comment and vote if you feel compelled to do so!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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