Beach Foodfight! and STARES

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Emma invited Me and Andi to join her and Jax in their foodfight well i should be there to keep on watch of Emma "Em, you using magic for the foods huh" I said while She and Jax cast a spell for foods to appear. We start our annual foodfight and i am covered with cake it actually came from Andi well good things she is cover with random juices and Emma and Jax are covered with random foods but what i notice is Jax keep staring at Andi i don't know why but there might be a good reason but what. We put his notebook back to his locker but i don't know why he keep staring at Andi so i look him straight to his eyes but i can't see any explanation. Then he looked away but he has a sad expression "why is Jaxy Waxxy sad" Emma said in a very playful tone but she acted sweet towards him, i'm jealous again of course, Jax is a big threat to me he uses magic everytime he wanted, he has the looks and everything i wish i could be Jax but no matter what i'm still Daniel Horatio Miller. I ran to the water and invite Andi to come we swim as far as we can until we didn't see the shore we were too far away from them i see Andi holding on to the big rock and i follow her soon after a few minutes of break we jump from the rock and dive. The water was clear fishes all around i feel like i was home i saw Andi beside me playing with some clown fish then we swam up for some air then we come back again underwater and play with the fishes water is like our home well we've been swimming since we are kids we swim until we reach an island this is the island people say that was build by a comet that crash in here we walk and walk and walk until we fell to a cave there was a water that was connected to the sea. We swam again until we reach the rock where we take our first break from earlier, we jump but when we landed into the water her feet hurts it feels like the veins are twisting so she can't swim, i just hold her and let the pain go away but when we see the shore i also felt the pain so we work together to swim back to the shore when we get there Jax and Emma was worry Jax run to us and carry Andi who is still in pain like Me. They ask us what happen and we tell them the exact thing, Andi who is still in pain shiver from coldness so Jax gave her his leather jacket which was weird but maybe he just cared because of what happen because obviously everybody will be worried if they just know what happen "just don't do it again Danny it's dangerous" Emma warned me and give me half death and half sweet glare then suddenly "Aaahhhhh" Andi screamed in pain it really hurts you know, good thing i was massaging my feet so the pain decreased a little, Andi was crying so hard right now so Jax held her tight and Emma and I massage her feet to decrease the pain, after her feet relaxed she fell asleep in Jax's arms. Emma and I lay on a picnic blanket and hold each other's hand "you know Daniel i was worried about you and Andi, good thing you are near the shore when your feet hurts" Emma was a caring girlfriend i'm lucky i have her "yeah and i think Andi might feel a little better now" we looked over to Andi who is sleeping peacefully in Jax's arms. Emma close her eyes and relax her body but when i looked back to Andi, Jax was staring at her, why does Jax keep staring at Andi is there something wrong.

It was dark now the four of us looking at the stars above like what others do. We have a little sing along Me and Andi leading of course well we are singers duh! And there it go again Jax stares at Andi AGAIN

It was 8:00 pm when we decide to go home Jax and Emma just teleport, they asked us to come with them but we refuse and said that we'll just walk. While walking i notice Andi still wearing Jax leather jacket which looks perfect in her "when are you gonna decide to remove the jacket it seems like you're loving the warmth it gave" i said teasing her which brings her to realization and "Later when i got home" she answer still processing her mind what happened when she fell asleep "yeah and you fell asleep in Jax's arms" i laugh but like what Andi Cruz i know, she punched me in my shoulder hard i almost cry but i laugh instead

Andi's POV
Is Daniel's saying to me True, i fell asleep in Jax's arms that's gross but i still feel warm in his jacket. And only the Jacket. I walk in our house and walk straight to my bedroom when i got there i immedietly change to my PJs and remove Jax's leather jacket, i already miss it's warmth and i also miss the way it smells like the sweetest perfume, what am i saying this is Jax's property and i hate Jax.

No One's POV
Andi walk to school alone because Emma and Daniel are walking together, she has Jax's jacket in her hand and was looking for Jax to gave his Jacket back. Andi couldn't find Jax everywhere so she decide just to left it in his locker. Andi walked to the other side of the school and stop in front of Jax locker "I'm not trying to be a stalker, but please open his locker" Andi whispers a spell then Jax's locker open and when it open she put the Jacket inside and left a note

Emma and Daniel walk hand in hand "so Happy Anniversary Danny!" Emma said smiling, Daniel give a shock face obviously forgetting it's their Annivesary "wait here i will just get my gift for you" Daniel ran and go straight to the boy's locker room which is empty right now "i walk into the door which immedietly closes, so now i can cast a spell to give me some chocolates and roses" A box of chocolate and bouquet of roses appear in his hand and ran to where Emma is "Happy Anniversary Em," and handed her the Chocolates and Roses "thanks Danny" and continue walking still hand in hand "i wish this moment won't last" Emma spoke up breaking the silence "it won't i promise"

Shark Practice
Everybody was done except for Daniel and Andi who is still practicing, they float on the pool connecting with the water "it felt so right here" Daniel spoke up breaking the silence "Did you already gave the jacket back to Jax" he asked Andi "yeah hope he sees it" Daniel grin thinking of an idea "STALKING FOR REVENGE" they said unison still remebering all Jax do to them which was weird but not to them

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