Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Lyndy asked Matt where he was staying and it turned out they were both in the same Hotel.
An hour later and Officer James and Detective Harris turned up to show Lyndy 6 photo's of different men and she recognized him straight away,  they confirmed that he was the one and were personally going to arrest him, they said goodbye and they would keep her informed.
Lyndy felt better knowing that the suspect would soon be in custody.

The following day Lyndy and her brother Matt came into Amy's room  to find her awake, Amy held her arms out and they hugged for some time. Amy gave her Uncle Matt a hug too , she was so pleased he came over from England to be with her Grandma and to see her.
Amy told her Grandma how frightened she was when she was held under the water and then blackness took her ,she thought it was all over.
When she woke up this morning she was so thankful she was still alive.
Lyndy explained what happened and how the way he carried her over his shoulder emptied what bit of water was in her out and the motion of his walk help keep her heart beating. How Ty found her up in the tree and climbed up to check her pulse. Lyndy told her everything that she had been told.

Officer James and Detective Harris along with the local police force had the suspects house surrounded,  it didn't take long to get him in cuffs and read him his rights and arrest Dave Taylor for the Murder of Amy Bartlett , then back to the station for questioning.
He was very willing to make a deal to put his boss who was the real culprit behind bars.
A lot of information was given to them, including names and farms where he already had possession after the untimely deaths of those who would of inherited the Ranches.
They noticed the Scratch Mark's on his neck where Amy had gouged him even though he tried to deny having anything to do with Amy's death. He changed his story after they confirmed his DNA was under her finger nails.
Once they had all the information they needed they informed him that Amy was infact alive and recovering in hospital.
He asked them how she was alive, so they explained to him how he was the one to actually save her and gave him the details, basically he didn't hold her under the water long enough, thankfully,  as soon as she stopped struggling he assumed she was dead.

A week later Amy was on her way home, Sarah was driving,  Matt was in the passenger seat,  and Amy was curled up with with her Grandma in the rear seat.
Amy still looked rough and tired but glad to be on her way home.
Doctors had put her on bed rest for two more weeks due to the head injury, but she wasn't bothered about that, she could catch up on some reading that she'd neglected.
As they pulled up to the house, Amy
asked Grandma if she could go straight to her room as she didn't feel like meeting anyone apart from Duke, Sarah, and Ty. Lyndy agreed and said she would bring her up a drink and a snack as soon as possible.
Amy snuck into the house before  anyone saw her, she really wasn't ready to talk to anyone about what happened to her Just yet.
Amy had her snack and a milky warm drink, Lyndy gave her the medication she was supposed to take by order of the Doctor.  Lyndy asked Amy if she wanted her to leave the medication in her top draw but she asked Lyndy to look after them and give them to her when she needs them 4 time's a day. Amy had seen what some meds can do and doesn't want to have to rely on them, though the headaches can be very painful.

It had been a week since Amy came home but no one had been to see her and Lyndy had noticed that depression was starting to take hold.
Amy was a strong young woman but what happened to her had really affected her so Lyndy decides to have a word with Sarah, Duke and Ty.
Amy was hoping that Ty would come to see her as she wanted to thank him for finding her, but also because she wanted to try and get to know him.
" Duke" lyndy called, she knew he was in the Barn somewhere.
"I'm down the end of the Barn Lyndy".
" I wanted to ask you something Duke".
" Okay, I'm all yours,  what can I do for you".
" I was just wondering why no one has been to see Amy because she's becoming very Depressed ".
" Oh sorry Lyndy, that's my fault.  Sarah and Ty wanted to visit but I told them to leave her be".
" I wish you'd of asked me first Duke because every day she's been asking if anyone was going to come and see her".
"I'm so sorry, I should of asked first, I'll let them both know they can visit".
"You too Duke, no excuses ".
Ty was the first to knock on her bedroom door.
"Come in " As soon as she saw it was Ty her spirits lifted and greeted him with a big smile and her heart was beating hard against her chest.
She knew she liked him but this was something new, this had never happened before even with Colt.
"Hi Amy how are you feeling.  I'm sorry I didn't come before but Duke told us to leave you be. Although I think Lyndy gave him an ear bending for not speaking to her first". With a slight chuckle in his voice.
"Oh, well it's  been so boring laying up here on my own, so I'm really glad you finally managed to, I wanted to thank you for finding me and climbing the tree to check on me".
"No one one could of stopped me Amy, I was really frightened something really bad had happened and when I felt your pulse I was so relieved you were still with us".
Amy noticed a slight blush on his face which hopefully meant that he liked her. Ty spent a good hour with her and both talked about themselves giving each other the chance to get acquainted.
As he was leaving Amy asked if he'd like to pop back again later which he said he would.
An hour later there was another knock on her door and this time it was Sarah who said exactly the same thing about Duke.
"Thanks for coming to see me Sarah I've been so fed up".
"Well you certainly look much better than when I saw you in the Ambulance and the Hospital". Then Sarah burst into tears as she told Amy how she thought they were going to lose her due to the head trauma".
Amy was also in tears as they hugged, Sarah had known her for 20 years and having been her Babysitter they were like family .
They sat talking for ages.

To be continued

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