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"Derek it wasn't me I swear, I don't even know how I got there! Please, don't believe them when they come I was framed , Derek I was framed!" His facial expression didn't change, the same grim face, the one I fell in love with, I didn't know if he'd believe me or his beta.

But I was framed, but by who?

• Ꭺ •

"This is it, a new school, a new town and so much new, too much new. I can do this." My breathing is no where near Steady as I prepare for my first day at becan hills high.

I've been moved almost everywhere in America , because my sister Jennifer is a teacher, but she only fills in because she can never find a fitting job. So I pack up really often and never really make any friends. But, maybe it'll be different. Different.. Let's hope, try no.101. Maybe we'll stay. Maybe.

"Ash you ready for school?" Jennifer called from her room where she was making sure she looked like somewhat of a school teacher.

She was filling in at my school. Miss. Blake, it was going to be extra awkward but I was prepared, as I had been many other times. I wouldn't let them see me differently. I had the sass to pull it off. As I was walking down the drive way to the door a smirk fitted my lips, I couldn't already imagine what beacon hills contained. Of course only because I did know. But no body else who came would know what crazy stuff they were in for. But trust me, as a Druid I can only dream of the wolf packs here. Maybe mine is.

• Ꭺ •

As I stepped into the hallway I could already feel the sense of at least four werewolfs. The smirk on my face hadn't disappeared yet, but just turned to a normal smile. About five minutes later I made it to the office. I was eager to explore many different things. I was given a time table and directions to my first class. It just happened to be science. HATE IT. I can't handle all these experiments. It's just... Not my thing. I'm smart, but not that smart.

It kinda sucked being a Druid and not like science. Because that's basically what I do. Mixing together all these mystical dusts and plants to make a wonder.

The class flew past pretty quick and before I knew it I was at my locker putting in the code I was given with my time table. As it opened, I saw just how empty and plain it was. Plain. I'm not plain. This can't be my locker. I'll fix it up later. As I placed all my books in my locker and pushed the door shut; there stood two girls. One who was leaning up against the locker next to mine; she had this oranish kind of hair colour that just went below her shoulders and another with a more brownish oranish colours hair who's was curled to her shoulders.

"I'm Lydia, Lydia Martin and this here is my good frien-"

"Alison." The curly haired girl finished. Lydia gave Alison a quick glance before continuing.

"You are?" Lydia asked her smile appearing.

"Ashley, but everyone calls me Ash." I say

"Well, welcome to our group Ash!" Lydia keeps that smile on her lips.

She's just so confident. I like it.

"I'm glad to be a part." I give her a smile but from her reaction, I can tell I made my grim face smile as usual.

"We've got free periods next and we're going to watch the lacrosse practise." Allison said the only one not smiling.

"We must have the same classs then, me too!" Lydia looped her arm through mine and did the same with Alison as she walked us down the hallway.

So far, so good.

• Ꭺ •

"Uhh... Lydia I need a moment to pee."

"Ok of course Ash, don't miss practise!"

I told her I needed to pee but really I was panicking. I'd never really done this before. Gone with a group of friends to watc boys play sport. And from the guys I've seen in the hallways confirms there all going to be hot. And I'm going to be a mess. Why. Why!

I look horrible. Breathe Ash, breathe. As air comes in and out of my lungs something bangs. Even through im in the locker room I know everyone should be at practise. It was only a slight sound. But I picked it up. I turned around slowly, and saw the glowing red eyes in the shadows of the dark locker room. I gulped And closed my eyes in fear. When I went to open them a hand cupped my mouth. I tried to scream, but the grip got tighter.

"Shhh." The voice came from behind, it sounded like a boy, or even a man, by the power he spoke by. I couldn't tell if he was the person behind the glowing eyes is seen only seconds before. He seemed to have some sort of strength. Maybe he's another werewolf. The red eyes I'd seen showed that the werewolf I had seen was an alpha. An alpha. The leader of the pack, But could it be him? He seems to be more protective and innocent. The eyes I saw seemed more killer, and now as I think of it, the quick glance I got seemed almost feminine. The man put his arm around my waist and pulled me back taking me out of the entrance and into the classroom next to it. He un-cupped his hand from my mouth and twisted me around so I could see his face. The lights weren't on, but I could still see his features. He has black hair and a grim face. He had facial short enough that it was pricky and actually quite cute.

"Dont scream." He said and I could fit his face to his voice.

"Who was that? Who are you?" I blurted out.

"You don't want to know." He replied his facial expression not changing at all.

Hehehe first chapter hope you like it xx

Half of the cover credit to Mickie! Read her book CAYLN (Issac Lahey) and her TMR ff In the end (Minho) :)


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