chapter 1. the lighthouse.

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Cassandra POV
We were rowing a boat out to an old lighthouse on a rock in the ocean. The reason for this, was because harry and I kept getting letters. Not just in the mail, but through the window, in the eggs, and it had even gone so far that over 100 of them came out of the fireplace. After the incident with the fireplace, uncle Vernon had finally cracked. He drove us for about 12 hours and we ended up in a tiny rowboat on our way to a rock during a rainstorm.

Once we got there, aunt petunia rushed us all inside before any of us could get hurt. Petunia and Dudley had always been kind to me ( not harry though), but Vernon was a monster. Once I had pushed Dudley, so he dragged me to the basement and locked me there for a week, without any food. Of course, he gave me some water, since he didn't want me to die down there. Petunia was too scared to do anything, and Dudley had been camping with his friend and his parents. When he finally did let me up again, I had lost a couple pounds and I was almost too weak to walk up the stairs. For some reason, Uncle Vernon had always hated me.

As we all got set up to go to sleep, nd as I lay on the floor beside harry, I played with the necklace I always wore. My mother gave it to me when I was born. It was a fine gold chain and a black heart with a golden Lilly in the middle. It was beautifully delicate and it mattered more to me than my own life. Harry had gotten a rope bracelet from our father  that my mother made for him when they were younger. It had red and gold little strings woven into it, and it was perfect on harry. I looked over at harry and said, 'hey harry, are you awake?' He nodded and turned his head the other way. I saw his shoulders shaking a little so I sat up and crawled over to him. I looked at his face and saw that my suspicions had been correct, and that he was crying. I got him to sit up and hugged him tightly. He buried his head in my shoulder and I sang him a quite lullaby.

A/N this is the song my dad used to sing to me before he died. It's also just a really sweet song. Ok thx!

The other night dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamt I held you in my arms
But when I woke dear
I was mistaken
And so I hung my head
And I cried

You are my sunshine
You are my sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take
My sunshine

By now, harry had calmed down was laying his head on my shoulder. I stroked his hair and asked him "harry, what's wrong?" He just shook his head and laid back down, tears streaming down his face. I sighed and laid down beside him, snuggling into his side, trying to comfort my brother.  He starting sobbing again, and this time, when I asked him what was wrong, he answered. " I just- I don't understand why the universe hates us. They take our parents, then they stick us with the stupid dursleys, And of course, they had to send us here! What did we do to deserve this? What did I do? They like you, they love you, they give you everything! IT'S. NOT. FAIR!" I stared at him in shock. " I don't know why they like me more than you! I don't like the way they treat you, and they don't give me anything! The reason that petunia is kind to me, is because I look exactly like mother! The reason that Dudley is kind to me, oh I don't know, maybe because I'm NICE TO HIM! GOD DAMNIT IT HARRY, VERNON HAS NEVER LOCKED YOU IN THE BASEMENT, OR HIT YOU, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" As I finished  yelling, tears streaming down my face, I suddenly saw Harry's eyes fill with anger. Next thing I knew, Harry's fist connected with my jaw, and again with my mouth, and once with my cheekbone . I finally had the guts to show something he had never seen before. As blood streamed from my swollen lip, I rolled up my sleeve, showing my left arm. On the sensitive skin on the under side, was the word 'freak' carved in with a knife. Harry's eyes widened and yelled " holy crap!" This woke Dudley, who had been sleeping on the sofa bed. He shot up and took one look my face, arm, and at harry, before he ran over to us and pushed harry away. "DADDY! HARRY PUNCHED CASS! SHES BLEEDING!" He called for his parents and then turned to harry. " why'd you hit her? What a freak! Only people who are messed in the head hit their sister!" Dudley looked at me and said "are you alright, sandy?" This was the one of the nicknames Dudley had given me. I was about to answer when  aunt petunia and Vernon came down the stairs. When they saw the state I was in, aunt petunia ran over and hugged me. " oh darling, what did your brother do to you? Are you alright? Did you at least hit him back? What happ- oh, Cassandra! Who did this to your arm?" Oooh no! I hadn't told her about what Vernon did to me on my 10th birthday. I don't  even know what I did, but he just took me to the basement and did that. I glared at Vernon and petunia gasped. "VERNON ADAM DURSLEY! I THOUGHT WE DISCUSED THIS! YOU ARE NOT TO HARM CASSANDRA! You will not hurt the boy either, even when this happens. Leave these children to me, you no longer have an authority over them, and if you don't have anything pleasant to say, don't speak at all. Understand? Good. Now, you will sleep on the floor upstairs, and the twins will sleep in the couch, and Dudley will stay with them to keep harry from hurting Cass anymore. Now Cassy, come, let me help you with your injuries. Good night dudley, harry, both of you sleep well. And harry, if you hit your sister again, you will be grounded.

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