Chapter 6

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The whole flying thing has never really been Louis’ cup of tea. Like, not that he’s scared of it, more that he’s just not a big fan of sitting on an aeroplane for hours on end, uncomfortable and unable to sleep properly, and is shit more often than not, too. So, all around not his favourite pastime, no. Also, time zones. Another thing he’s none too fond of. He’s always been sort of jealous of the way Harry’s internal clock is able to adjust so easily, jetlag being almost a foreign concept to him. One night’s sleep and Harry is fine, making him able to travel from one continent to another on short notice without being all that affected. It’s unfair really, when Louis is affected by jetlag for what seemed like actual ages. He walks around for days feeling like a zombie, unable to sleep when he’s supposed to and so, so tired when he should be awake and rested. Another reason on the list along with millions of other why Harry Styles is the born rock star, and Louis is very decidedly not. 

Now, when sitting in a comfortable sofa in the VIP lounge of Heathrow Airport, he’s slightly grumpy, what with nearly twelve hours on a plane waiting for him. It’s lucky probably, that their stay in LA has at least been extended in order to include coming out interviews for Harry and Louis. It’d have been wholly ridiculous, and terrible for Louis’ inner clock, if they were to leave again on Monday after barely having even touched down in LA, as had been the original plan.

Then again, it’s not exactly like the interviews about his ‘relationship’ with Harry and his preference in who he likes to share his bed with is something to look particularly forward to. Christ.

Louis stands up abruptly, feeling jumpy and buzzing from pent up energy, and he knows that he needs to burn it off somehow before getting on the plane. Talking a walk seems like a good place to start.

“I’m gonna go for a walk, lads,” he announces to the people surrounding him, Alberto getting up from his chair to go with him.

“D’ya want some company?” Zayn asks, looking up from the book he’s been reading quietly.

Louis shakes his head. “No,” he says, “I’m fine.” He catches Harry’s eyes from where the younger man is watching him from his chair, and offers him a small smile before turning his back to the rest of the boys.

He’s got no actual direction really, except for a vague idea to at least go towards some shops, and not just wander among the gates.

“You’ve got about an hour before you board,” Alberto says, walking a step behind Louis, “If you’re going to a shop or something like that, you’ll probably need to prepare for the potential of fans.”

“I don’t mind,” Louis murmurs. He doesn’t really. Beats sitting in a chair for an hour, tapping his feet and going out of his mind.

“Alright, then,” Alberto merely says.

And it’s pretty great, really. He’s been around for a long time now, and Louis feels safe with him. No matter the situation. Not to mention that he trusts him, not just with his well-being, but with his secrets as well. Alberto’s loyal to a fault, would never sell Louis out. He’s a terrific bodyguard, and somewhere down the line he’s become a friend as well.

The two of them manoeuvre through the terminal, Louis forgoing most shops in favour of just walking past, not really feeling like looking at any of the stuff they have to offer. No one has approached him yet, but out of the corner of his eye he’s seen several people whisper and point at him. Oh well.

He’s starting to contemplate maybe just grabbing a cup of tea or something, when something catches his eye. He turns, feeling suddenly inspired as he walks into the Burberry shop, nodding at the sales assistant and trusting Alberto to keep her from interrupting him in his perusing. He heads straight towards the display of scarves they have hanging in the corner of the shop, everything from wool, to cashmere, to silk waiting for him, displaying everything from the classic Burberry print, to new snazzy ones, or none at all.

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