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Welcome one and all to the museum of Meta Runner Purity Edition! This here shows you all characters and ciphers and easter eggs and behind the scenes facts and so much more!!!


Tari/Amelia Nichols: Lucks' favorite daughter, born on August 25th, 2008 (Virgo). She's also a complete weirdo and loves to annoy her family and friends. She's also hyper and sometimes a prankster making her very mischievous. In her now old quest to find out who she was, she wanted nothing more than her family. Her little brother is Theo (Theodore Nichols), her big sister is Belle Fontiere/Deena Nichols, Her cousins are Sofia and Lucinia Porter, her uncle and killer is Jack Porter, her mother is "Audrey Nichols", her closest childhood friend was David Anderson. She can swear since she's not a Christian in this universe since I thought it would be a good idea. She is a fan of Marvel, Gravity Falls and is also a Project Blue user along with her sister. She was tragically murdered along with her siblings on January 21st, 2018 as Jack's 7th and last victim. and transformed into the meta runner robot known as "Tari'' by her dad, cousins, Sammy Kearnson, Michael Sheridan and Grant Connor the next day being capable of adapting like a normal female. Her and Deena's real names were named after 2 characters I found on an actual ARG from Adult Swim called "Hearts and Brains". I didn't use the last name "Hampton'' for her and Deena because that would be stealing from Adult Swim. When she's Amelia, she sounds like the Tari we know today but sounds younger and has an American accent and has a jolly and happy go lucky personality.

Belle Fontiere/Deena Nichols: Used by Lucks as her meta runner and assistant. She's born on January 4th, 2007 (Capricorn). Her little sister is Tari/Amelia Nichols, her baby brother is Theo/Theodore Nichols, her dad is Lucks/Henry Nichols, her mother was "Audrey Porter", her cousins are Sofia and Lucinia porter, her uncle and killer is Jack Porter. Her childhood friends were Kristen and Alexis Kearnson and Caleb ████████. She is a fan of marvel including Gravity Falls and is also a Project Blue user just like Amelia. She, Amelia and Theo were tragically murdered by their uncle on January 21st, 2018 and later transformed into the meta runner "Belle Fontiere" by her dad, cousins, Sammy Kearnson, Michael Sheridan and Grant Connor the next day being capable of adapting like a normal female. She is also a laid back type of person and is also a professional Tempest player. Her and Amelia's last names were based off of an actual Adult Swim ARG called "Hearts and Brains". I didn't use the last name "Hampton" for her and Amelia because that would be stealing from Adult Swim. When she's Deena, She sounds like the Belle we know today but sounds younger and has an American accent.

Theo/Theodore Nichols: The youngest of the Nichols siblings, has very high arachnophobia, born on July 1st, 2016 (Cancer), and a lad who enjoys memes and Video games. His sisters are Tari/Amelia Nichols and Belle Fontiere/Deena Nichols, his father is Lucks/Henry Nichols, his mother is "Audrey Nichols", his cousins are Sofia and Lucinia Porter, his uncle and killer is Jack Porter. He takes the form of "Coconut Boi" from Ultra Jump Mania which the A.I.'s storage of code and memory struck his brain with a high amount of knowledge making him far smarter. His reveal of him being related to Tari's family was made to be a plot-twist in chapter 9 mainly because when I discussed alternate Meta Runner universes with Server owner "TheRe-View" (Max), I didn't want to say he was the baby brother because i thought he was gonna say it was stupid and didn't make sense so I kept it as a plot twist until chapter 9's release.

Lucks/Henry Nichols: A widowed father of Tari, Belle and Theo and is a Leo. His brother Jack Porter went mad with kids being on the internet and decided to kill off each and every child that went on it. However, Lucks foiled his plans by knocking him out and having him arrested. but was too late to save his kids. The next day he came up with the idea of resurrecting them into meta runners since he obviously didn't want them to leave the world deceased. So he invited his nieces Sofia and Lucinia and invited 3 lucky TAScorp employees (Michael Sheridan, Sammy Kearnson, Grant Connor) to participate in a top secret project to transform his daughters into Tari and Belle. Lucks apparently gave Amelia the fake name "Tari" since he realized the name is not only a parody of the Atari 2600 but it also means "Love" since she was his favorite daughter over Belle and Theo. His name "Henry" was named after the video game protagonist "Henry Stein" in the famous Horror game "Bendy And The Ink Machine"

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