Chapter -1: My copy of Ultra Jump Mania was personalized

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(Spoiler warning if you haven't read chapter 15-21)

(It's Halloween night. The Lucin gang gather around in the Nichols family living room)

Belle/Deena: Are you guys ready to get goosebumps?

Theo: I'm not prepared.

Masa: Yet, you wanted to listen to your sisters' scary story anyway.

Lucinia: You only wanted to listen to what they did because it was Ultra Jump Mania related.

Sofia: Theodore, you support Ultra Jump Mania too much because you possess a coconut boi clone.

Theo:. . .You're right Sofia, I do..

Tari/Amelia: Guys, can I start?

Lamar: Carry on.

Lucinia: Do it.

Belle/Deena: Alright! Amelia?

Tari/Amelia: Okay. (clears throat)

(The lights are dimmed and dark music plays in the living room)

Tari/Amelia: (reading) I've been an Ultra Jump Mania fan since the game's release in July of 2018. Unlike the people who play it for speedrunning and using it's glitches for shortcuts. I only enjoy it for the gameplay. After the experience I had with trying some glitches on a recent update of the game, I thought to myself that I would never be ready to be like the true fans. It started on a calm Sunday morning, I jumped on my phone to find a new ultra jump mania update. So I thought the crab DLC would come. Instead there was a new A.I. programmed into the game. An A.I. that would instantly be built into every new copy of the game to people first buying it. Without research on the A.I. I tested the update blind. I wish I hadn't, because I began the biggest regret in my to supporting Trump one time...the game started up with the usual "Yeah! Ultra Jump Mania!' clip from coconut boi or Theo by the developers and TAScorp themselves..I started the game and I was greeted the first thing I felt was off. The sky were filled with clouds that were a very dark red, not to mention they were also thundering. I turned Theo to the camera and what I saw wasn't pleasant. He looked sad, almost as if he was about to cry. He also looked scared. Almost as if he didn't want to be here. I moved on just to keep playing only because I was too confused on what I saw on Theo's face. I'd say it was out of character for him. He's a ball of energy, happy and loves having a great time...There was no way this was a hacked update of some kind. There was no way Overflow would do something like this to their all time favorite...right?

Lucinia: That is true.

Belle/Deena: She's right after all.

Tari/Amelia: SHUSHY! (clears throat and continues reading) As I continued more, some noisy glitchy sounds are starting to grow louder. It wasn't white noise. It sounded raw data getting imported an audio program. If I were to guess it might've been Ultra Jump Mania's data. So as soon as I got to a point where the static got almost loud enough to break my headphone speakers, it went silent. I got full goosebumps as soon as the noise stopped. I walked for another 20 seconds, I saw the next thing that was off, it was the player 2 Theo named "Leo". Y'know, the Theo where his hair and eyes and shirt are red and has blue jeans instead of tan. Only now, he had a shotgun aiming at his head which he used to shoot himself with. I could tell something made him commit suicide. I wanted to approach the poor corpse but I turned back. But when I did, A distorted twisted version of Theo is behind me. Though it wasn't a was an image. His mouth was stretched, forming a wide smile, the teeth looked like they were cropped out from another photo. His eyes were stretched, the sockets were empty leaving only very creepy cropped out human eyes. the body was glitchy and inverted but not the black void that's within the eyes and mouth. As soon as the camera was fully facing in front of the image, the game went to black. . . all that was in my mind to comment was..."what the fuck did I witness?!"...30 seconds later, the loading icon on the bottom right hand corner pops up. I was in relief because I thought my computer was about to crash. What scared me was that the tip on the loading screen said "Warning: your copy is officially personalized as of this update." But after a split second after being thrown into the gauntlet of trials, the tip changed. It read: "AND SOON YOU WILL BE ASWELL.".

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