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colliding stars;

W H E N we meet, the moment isn't ours.

the buzzing canteen and chattering students own it and it's mundane, insignificant, but somehow the world pauses on its axis for it.

it had been my first day in kq and with the normal anxiety of that in the tips of my fingers—i wanted it to be the closest to normal, spent in corners in my own bubble. nonetheless, i was never the one to stay under the radar, and with the universe playing its tricks, my clumsy feet and sharp tongue managed to end me up in the middle of reckless teens thirsting for a fist-fight that i've apparently brought on myself.

i wasn't about to crack bones and paint some green into couple of faces, trust me, life was kissed into those hands for bigger than this. however, i wasn't going to let myself be a prey to a nut-brain, arrogant walking tree either. and if i had to, i'll leave some pretty scars on that perfect face.

“do you know who you're fucking with, newbie?” it was no surprise that my unfamiliar face was pointed out from among the crowd. i did look too good for the wilting youth within these walls, but to boys like me, the eyes have to worship us, and i could never cover up the glow within my veins.

i scoffed at the boy's spat words not finding the threating lilt to them that real, whilst eyeing the big, red stain my lunch left on his white shirt when i dumped into him minutes ago. with a nonchalant shrug, i let out a mocking chuckle, “i don't know, but, man, red is not your color.”

after the 'death-wish' lying under my words touched the air, i didn't really know what happened. one second, the tall boy was sneering and grasping fists of my shirt ready to shatter my face. the other, i was pulled behind a lean back—a mess of red and black locks, with hands so cold that they left a blanket of goosebumps all over my arms holding me. and i fell silent, memorizing the feeling, this margin of care, as i let him talk some sense into the angry guy.

there was a couple of 'c'mon, mingi' and 'fuck off, san'  flying around and clashing against my ears but he kept me there, behind him—pressed to his back, as if protecting me. i wasn't bothered by that, but when my heart picked its pace to the sweetness of the gesture, i left a piece of it there and walked out, everyone's eyes guled on me.

and here i am now; under a shy sun with my brazen hero carrying that clumsy piece between his lips, standing too close for me to breathe.

he's a gnome of powerful youth and ragged beauty before my eyes. colored in full saturation, glowing in a vermillion aura and bathing in the sun warm light that seem to rather radian from within his porcelain skin and starry eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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