Chapter 12 - Killer

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I pace impatiently around the clubhouse's front porch, waiting for my Cupcake to be finished with her work. She's been gone for the whole day and I've been beyond agitated. I knew that her going to work an hour away from here was a bad idea, but I didn't know it would be this bad.

I'm so fucking worried about her that I can't even function properly.

It's been 3 months since my Cupcake hit me with her car and enchanted me with those vivid green eyes of her. At first she was scared, timid and shy around me and my brothers, but she came over it after she realized they love her.

Because they do.

And so do I.

Yes, I can say I love her. She's everything I've ever wanted. She makes me feel like a... human. The thirst for blood that's been my only companion for years disappears in her presence, the psychotic craze I used to fall into is reduced to nothing, the pain and agony I've felt for years is alleviated by her mere smile.

She's my savior.

My salvation.

And I'll be damned if I let her slip from my grasp.

I don't want to go back to the monster I used to be. I don't want to be in pain anymore. I don't want to feel the helplessness I'm so used to feel.

Which is why it's so hard to wait for my Cupcake. I want her with me at all times, I hate it when she leaves to work. I feel cold when she's not with me.

About a week after she moved into my room, she found a job as a restaurant manager in Iowa City. Almost an hour away from here. The only consolation I got when she told me about it was the fact that she didn't want to move out. She said she loves the peace and tranquility of a small town and she'd rather drive almost an hour to work than live alone in the city. I think I melted when she told me I'm the main reason why she wants to stay here.

Every day I drive her to work in the morning then pick her up after she calls to tell me she's finished. I even bought a new phone for her, not trusting the ancient device she's been using. She scolded me for spending money on her and even slept in Lia's room to punish me. I couldn't sleep the whole night, already ued to having her small body pressed to mine in my bed, so I just sat outside her door like a sad dog. I apologized for my actions, but still made sure she understood my reasoning. I just want her safe. It would kill me if she got hurt because of my negligence.

"You're going to wear a hole in the floor, Killy." I turn when I hear Treasure tease from the front door as she rubs her very prominent baby bump absentmindedly.

"She should've called an hour ago and she's not picking up her phone." I tell her worriedly, not stopping my frantic pacing. I know she and my Cupcake got really close over the time my girl spent here.

Yes, my girl.

We've been officially together for over a month now and it's the best feeling ever.

"Then go to her. – Treasure suggests with a warm smile – I can see you're worried and it's killing you to not know what's going on. I'll talk to John, so you won't have to worry about him. Just go."

It's at this moment I see what Tank sees in this woman. She's compassionate, understanding and supportive. She may not be the strongest person around, but she makes up for it with her heart.

"Thanks, Treasure." I sigh gratefully, heading straight to my bike. I throw one last glance at the Prez Lady, but she only grins at me, giving me a thumbs-up, then waddles to the rocking chair on the porch, carefully sitting down. She gives me a wave as I pull out of the lot, getting a small smile from me. I really underestimated this girl.

The ride to my Cupcake's restaurant is tense and filled with worry. Is my girl in trouble? Did something happen? Why isn't she answering her phone?

I reach the place in record time, having rushed through the streets with no concern for the law. I'll pay the fucking fine if I have to, but I need to get to my Cupcake as soon as possible. I should've done this hours ago. Anything could happen during the time I wasn't with her!

When I finally reach the restaurant, I hurriedly park my bike and with rushed steps enter the building.

My racing heartbeat slows down when I see my Cupcake unharmed. Letting out a heavy relieved sigh, I make my way to her as she adjusts the glasses and decorations on one of the stands. She's so engrossed in her work she hasn't noticed me yet.

Cupcake gasps loudly when she sees me in the mirror's reflection, spinning around with a wide grin that lightens up her whole face. "Killian!" She exclaims quietly, immediately wrapping her arms around me. I lean down to give her a kiss, then cup her small head in my hands, staring into her eyes lovingly.

"Why didn't you call me? – I whisper worriedly – I thought something happened."

"I'm sorry. There was an urgent meeting with the owners and I couldn't take my phone with me. I didn't mean to worry you." She leans up, pecking my lips.

"Apology accepted. – I smile warmly at her then kiss her forehead – When will you be done?"

"I'm not sure. We're closing in about twenty minutes, but I will be free in an hour or two. You don't have to wait, I can just take an Uber or something..." She frowns slightly. I know she doesn't like the fact that I drive her to and from work; she expressed her concern about me 'wasting my time' on many occasions, but I never back down. Doing that helps me feel at ease about her safety, not to mention that it helps me spend more time with her.

Ever since she got this job, our time together was reduced to mere few hours before and after her work. And it's way too little for me. If I could, I would have her attached to me at all times.

"I'll wait for you. – I tell my girl sternly, leaving no room for discussion – I don't want you alone at such late hour." I kiss her head again, enjoying the blush that appears on her cheeks.

"Okay. You can just take a seat at one of the tables and I'll try to be as quick as I can." She smiles shyly, getting a nod from me in response.

I sit in a spot from which I can watch the whole place. If anyone as much as upsets my woman, they'll have me to deal with.

One of the waitresses brings me coffee and a cupcake, no doubt per Cupcake's request. She's been teasing me about the whole cupcake thing for weeks now, but it still gets me to smile every damn time. The waitress, who introduced herself as Beatrice, lingers around my table and sends me a few flirty winks whenever she passes by me. Is she fucking blind or what?! She clearly saw me with Cupcake, yet she still thinks I'll give her as much as a glance. Pitiful.

I catch a few curious looks from the employees here as they close up, but I ignore them all. I'm not a customer so they don't pay any attention to me. Some of them are wary of me, clearly realizing who I am thanks to my cut.

As much as I don't care about the workers here, there's one guy that's getting on my nerves. He keeps invading my girl's personal space and putting his hands on her. He's going to fucking lose them if he touches my woman again. I'm on the verge of smashing his face against the floor as he places his arm over Cupcake's shoulders. Most people would probably see this as a friendly gesture, but I caught the looks he's been giving my girl, even if she herself didn't notice it.

I can't wait to claim Katherine as mine, to show everyone that she's mine and mine alone. I want to know for sure she won't leave me.

"I'm ready. Let's go home." Cupcake skips towards me with a happy smile, immediately improving my mood. She has that effect on me. One smile and I melt into a puddle, ready to do anything to please her. And don't get me started on the fact that she said 'home'. There's nothing more satisfying than having my girl considering our place a home. I used to fear thinking about a family, but with my sweet Cupcake I started to yearn for it, even though it's still too early to push her into something this serious. I know she's not ready yet. I'm not ready, either, but there's no one else I can see having a family with.

I take Cupcake's small hand in mine, leading her outside, but not before throwing a warning glare at the guy that flirted with her earlier. He better not try anything with my girl.

She's mine!

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