/Note to the Aesthetes\

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Welcome gentle souls,

First of all thank you so much for dropping in to check out my first collection of poetries. I started writing at my age of 13. So this book contain some poems from my childhood diaries and also my present creations. Well I'm not a professional poet but I strive hard for being one. To be honest I'm an extremely sensitive and introverted person who had seclusion as my bestest friend in most of my lifetime. Maybe that lead me to write whatever storms inside. I really don't expose my works so easily fearing any criticism but having an idolizing passion had overwhelmed me to make them into a collection. So here I am and my first ever work on wattpad.

I write whatever inspires me at that moment. Be it people or thoughts or emotions, be it good or mild or bad. It's all about life's emotions and relationships and has my eetsy pieces of soul hooded in it. I also write on some philosophical ideologies and imaginations when it takes a perfect form in my mind. At times I write in agony and at times in cheer so the chapters are in a random fashion. So please bear with me.

Feel free to point out my mistakes. English is not my first language. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. No hates please. Spread positive words. Do let me know your thoughts. Don't be a silent reader.

Without any further delay I welcome you all to the journey of my Gleaming Ardors.. Stay tuned to hear on what my words enliven about...🖋

With love

The Gleaming Ardours ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now