Meeting him

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Picture of rosey on the side ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️

So I got dressed (imagine w.e u want her to wear)

I'm on my way picking up Lucas ugly ass he better be fucking dressed ain't bout to make me late and ish

R. Lucas better be ready cause I'm pulling up

L. Yupp I'm ready so ima be outside when u pull up

R. Ok

End of convo

She pulls up Lucas gets in

Lucas. Bitch wassup

Rosey. Nigga bye but imy how are u brother ready to see my fav person.

Lucas. Yea but I don't see what is so special about him he seem like a regular nigga to me

Rosey. Yea but he is just that sexy to the point thinking about him just got me wet .... Nah never that but his music speaks to me

Lucas. Oh I get it now

They get to the concert and it is already turned August is killing it plus rosey got front row tickets boo yah

August pov

So I'm performing numb when I see this girl in the front row and let me tell u ma is bad and I can tell she feeling my song.

So he finishes the song goes backstage to change and tells the security guard to bring rosey and Lucas backstage

Rosey. Man that concert was bomb but I wish I had backstage passes

Security. Ma'am please come with me your friend too

Rosey. Umm where are we going sir

Security. Mr. Alsina has asked for you to come backstage to meet him

Rosey. Ok come on Lucas

They go backstage

August. Hey ma what's your name

Rosey. Umm name is rosalina but you can call me Rosey

August. That's sexy ass name for a sexy ass woman and who is your friend ?

Lucas. The names Lucas and no I'm not her boyfriend so she is all yours and good show bro gives him a dapp.

August. Alrite bro good looking out

Rosey. So anyway August I love your music been following you since you posted those first videos of you singing I was like wow I wanna be like that one day

August. Oh OK ma I feel u wanna sing for me

Rosey. Sure

Starts to sing listen by Beyonce

Then finishes the song

August. Wow ma u can really blow maybe we can piece up in the studio sometime aye Lucas what do u do.

Lucas. I rap a Lil I actually just dropped a song called She got it on youtube.

August. Oh cool I'll check it out later but I got to go y'all maybe we can chill.

Both of them. Yes give him their number and says bye

August. Give rosey a kiss on the cheek and give lucas dapp

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