Chapter 3

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Picture of Lucas on the side ➡️➡️➡️

The next day

Lucas POV
Man I see why Rosey so obsessed with him he a cool dude and he speak the truth through music.

Rosey POV
Omg I can't believe I really met August Alsina 😫😭

Hey ma I just wanted to say wassup it's August.

Rosey: Oh hi August how are you?

August 🎤😍: I'm good ma you know just doing my music I got another show tonite in Atlanta.

Rosey👅😻: oh okay well I hope you do well you know the crowd loves you.

August🎤😍: Thanks baby girl I still can't believe I made it. Sometimes I think if I close my eyes for to long then I'll wake up from a beautiful ass dream.

Rosey👅😻: yeah I understand how you feel but I have a photo shoot in a little bit so I'll text you a little later.

August🎤😍: Aight baby girl stay beautiful and I'll talk to you later

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