Training the Rookie and the Fallen

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It is safe to say that Vali hasn't had any proper training as she's collapsed right in front of me. "I can't feel my legs" she moans as I roll my eyes. "You'll get used to it. Now get up, you're not done" I say sharply as the devil groans, getting back up and continuing her laps. "Wow, she really is a rookie isn't she." Hexa says to Ddraig who sits next to her drinking some orange juice. (Not my fault she's like this,) Ddraig says as I approach. "Well, she did draw short straw after short straw, she probably never had a chance to train to busy focusing on survival and what not." I say sitting next to my 'partner'. "At least her devil heritage gave her a stronger body than most." Hexa says getting grunt from the dragoness. "Still angry at the cracker?" I ask getting a small smirk from her. (The thought of being near him after all he's done or what he hasn't done leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Also , I'm taking that insult) she says as Vali finishes her laps and collapses.

I sigh and kneel down next to her. "Alright, take a few minutes to rest then we'll continue." I say holding out a water bottle. Vali then gets up slowly and takes the water from me without a word. She drinks a quarter of the bottle before thanking me and sitting next to Hexa. "I know it's hard Vali, but Issei went through something similar." Hexa says as I shrug getting a chuckle from Ddraig. (I'd say he got it worse because not only did he train outside, but I was his trainer in his sleep).She remarks smirking as she glances at Vali's hand. (Hear that Cracker! I'm better than you, you stupid sonovabitch!) She yells which makes us all laugh bar Vali who nervously rubs the back of her head.

Ddraig then looks at said girl and sighs. (Vali, I know my actions last night were uncalled for. I want to apologise, I let my anger get the best of me. Again). She says looking down which makes Vali chuckle. "It's alright, I get it. You're angry at Albion. If he did that to me I would be as well." She says as she looks down at her hand. "Speaking of him, he talked again" she says getting our attention. "Oh, and what did he say?" I ask my interest piqued. She looks at her hand and clenches it. "He said that I made the 'worst decision of my pitiful existence' and has given me a timer." She says solemnly. "Timer for what?" Hexa asks worried. "I have one month to unlock Balance Breaker otherwise he's going to forcibly leave my body, killing me in the process" she says looking down shocking us immensely. Ddraig then does something I never expected from her. She goes to Vali and brings her into a hug. (You didn't make the wrong choice. We'll help you as best we can but you need to put in the effort ok?)She says comforting the distraught devil as she brushes her silver hair behind her ear.

I get up and stretch looking at Vali with a new seriousness. "Vali, since we now have a goal and a timer for you we're no longer gonna pull any punches. We'll get you to Balance Breaker, be certain of that" I say getting a nod from Vali as she stands up. "Yessir" She says which gets a smile from me. For the next 3 hours I push her to her limits, suicide drills, weights, laps, and evasion tests. By the end of it she is sweating with near no stamina left in her. I tap her shoulder as she looks me in the eyes. "That I'll do for now, we'll continue this later. Go have a shower." I say as she tries to argue. "But I need to get stronger now, I-I don't want to die yet." She says but she gets interrupted by Ddraig. (Vali, whilst I admire your tenacity Issei is right. You can't even stand up straight. Just because we have a timer doesn't mean you shouldn't relax. Rome wasn't built in a day. I should know, I helped). Ddraig explains to the eager devil who looks down and nods before walking inside. (She'll make it. I know she will. She's got a fire in her eyes similar to the one I saw in you all those years ago). Ddraig says to me before going back into the sacred gear to rest.

Hexa comes up next to me as I rub my brows. "The more I hear his name the more I hate Albion. It might be like him eventually" I say to Hexa who nods in agreement. "Hey, she'll make it. You can help her body and physique whilst I do her mind and magic." She says which makes me smile. "Thanks Hexa, what would I be without you?" I ask rhetorically but I get an answer. "Probably a pervert, like those 2 at school." She says as she comes next to me. We close the gap and embrace each other staring into one another's eyes before Vali calls out from inside. "Issei, the door!" we both blush and look away as I run inside to the front door.

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