The hand shake

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The Uchihas came in earlier than the others, they were the ones to host the party after all. Sasuke was bored as usual. He saw all his dad's partners and a lot of other show offs he didn't know mingling and chatting around, while they all waiting for the Namikazes to join.

This is such a drag, I'll pull a Shikamaru and sleep somewhere if this gets any more boring, ugh. Sasuke thought to himself when the mummers got louder. He raised an eyebrow and say his mom and dad approaching him in a hurry.

"Sasuke, they're finally here. Come with us to welcome them." Mikoto said while grabbing here son.

Through the entrance, he saw a man in a suit, his yellow hair attracting others attention as he walked, and a charming but elegant smile on his face. He looked soo confident and proud. His wife had clutched his arm with hers, as she walked with him, wearing a beautiful sleek gown, her long red hair standing out even more than the other blond.

So they're the Namikaze.. this is the first time I'm seeing them in person.
Sasuke thought to himself.

"Be nice to them, okay Sasuke?" Mikoto told the raven.
"Why give soo much attention to them though? Isn't this about BOTH the companies joining forces?" Sasuke asked his mom, a little annoyed but curious.

"Trust me, if they were to end up being the Uchiha's rival, we'd gain more enemies than profit. They believe in coordination, and they have one of the strongest allies with them. The Hyugas, the Nara, and many others are allied with them. Turning against them would be foolish. Whereas joining forces with them, would take both the companies to a whole new level." The raven's mom explained to him.

Stronger than even the Uchiha? I see, mom does have a point. No wonder all these other business men are gossiping like teenagers, watching the best grow even more must be hard for them.
Sasuke thought raising his eyebrow.

Both the families approached each other with genuine smiles.
"Ah, so you finally made it, welcome, it's been long Minato, and Kushina, you sure made one hell of an entrance" Fugaku said in a cheery voice while he stuck out his hand for the 'formal handshake'.

Ugh, seriously, businesses and their formalities, although less interaction with humans is also fine. Sasuke thought while faking a smile.

Minato smirked to himself and bought out his hand and shook it firmly with the older raven. But what caught Sasuke's attention was this. The older blond then pulled Fugaku's and gave the other man a hug. The older raven hugged back laughing a little and they broke the hug.

"We're basically friends now, no need to be so formal Fugaku, also Mikoto you're as beautiful as ever, and hello there young man, you're Sasuke I assume?" Minato said chuckling, and Sasuke found himself amused. This was the first time he saw this big a businessman act so.. normal. He nodded and gave a genuine smile and shook the blond man's hand. The ladies were already talking to each other when Kushina suddenly turned towards Sasuke.

"Oh so you're Sasuke eh? Your father told us about you, aren't you one cute man" Kushina said as she winked at the smaller raven, making him blush at the compliment. He was used to compliments, but not to responding to them.
Kushina narrowed her eyes for a second and then opened them wide, and then leaving the conversation and turning to a boy standing behind her.

"Naruto?! Don't just stand there, come on here don't be shy" The red haired woman called out to a boy who's back was facing us. He seemed to be adjusting his clothes.

Don't tell me that's the great Minato's son, he's not even used to these parties is he? Jeez and he's the only company I'll get. Great. Sasuke sighed in disappointment, but something caught his interest.

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