Special date?

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In the Namikaze household-

Minato was off to work and Kushina had gone to visit a friend. Naruto was all alone in the big house. He first watched a movie, played some minEcraft, did some studying but then ditched it to dance to some random songs on his bed like a kid. Basically, he was being unproductive. The music stopped and his phone began to ring.

He frowned and stomped towards his bed picking up the phone to see an unknown number calling, who the heck interrupted my dance sesh, he picked up the call.

"wHo is iT?" He asked annoyed.

"Someone's in a bad mood" a voice replied and he could read the smirk behind it right away.

"Uchiha. You interrupted my dance sesh. Obviously I'll be in a bad mood." Naruto replied in frustration.

"Hn, cute. And I thought you'd be happy if I called." Sasuke said chuckling.

"Y-yeah, I am happy, so what's up teme, you're out of things to do too?" Naruto asked.

"Well these are the typical vacation days. You wanna meet up?" Sasuke asked.

"Hmmm." Why the heck not. "Sure, like now?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Meet me outside the Masquerade Club. The one under ours. You know what to do right?" Sasuke asked seriously.

Naruto's eyes widen a little, and then he smirked.
"Well aren't you a joy, Uchiha. I'll be there in 30. So what now, this a date or something?" Naruto asked curiously, but teasingly too.

Sasuke could picture the blond winking at him after making that statement. He blushes to himself.

"We'll see about that. But you better dress like it is one." The raven replied and cut the call. The blond hmmed and chucked to himself.

He rushed and got ready. Time to make a good impression. He thought. This is the perfect opportunity. He smirked to himself.

The Masquerade Club was not some ordinary club. It was only for the elite, top of the game businessmen. It was more like a private club. And obviously both of the boys' fathers were a part of it.

Naruto just didn't realise that Sasuke would know about it too until he brought it up. The main time of the day when all the businessmen were working, the club is mostly empty. It usually fills up during the evening and throughout the whole night, and stays open all the time. It's not like the teenage boys weren't allowed in there. There's some dirty business going on everywhere. It is business after all. It's not like they would dare to stop them.

Sasuke's pov-

Great. Now what. I did convince him to hang out with me. How the fuck am I suppose to live if he brings up the incident at the party, after we joined the party none of us muttered a single word about it. I have this feeling about him. He sure annoys me, but I haven't felt this comfortable with anyone except... Itachi.

He didn't even tell me if he was single or seeing someone. And I'm definitely not becoming someone's quick fuck. Neither of us actually spoke about out personal lives. It was like two strangers talking to each other, like they knew the other since years. It was.. comfortable. I prefer keeping my distance with everyone, even my father to be honest. I don't let people in. And obviously that dobe doesn't speak much about his life either. So I'll just get it out of him. All my answers.

I shake my head from my thoughts when I hear footsteps reaching me. I look up and god. He looks soo perfect standing there. He wore formals. I almost smirk to myself because so did I. It's something about formals that turns me on.

"Well well, someone's getting used to those coats." I say trying to not drool.

"I sneaked you out of a party once, and you're planning to sneak us back in one?" Naruto asked in his deep sexy ass voice.

"Just trust me, okay?" I said winking and putting my hand out for him to grab. He smirks and takes it. We head towards the Uchiha headquarters, which was right in front of us. I know what you're thinking. Why there you ask? The Masquerade Club is built underground. Like literally. Under the Uchiha grounds. Not even the employees know about it, or the passageway to the place. Masquerade clubs are built in secret spots of each big city like ours. The one in our city happens to exist under the Uchiha grounds. It doesn't matter if it's a friend of foe of the Uchihas who's entering the place. The members are simply just members of that place, having a good time with their partners or dates.

They both rushed towards the entrance and Sasuke pulled out a card and put it on the desk. The lady smiled at the two and showed them in. And as you'd guess, they have masks they put on before going in. It's not exactly mandatory to do so. But it's simply one of the fancy things they just do at the club. Makes it more exciting. *evil smirk* Both the boys picked a mask and placed it on themselves before entering. And there it began.

This is going to be interesting, I might as well slip some things out of him while I can. Naruto thought with an evil grin.

Uzumaki, you're mine until we get out of this place. This is going to be fun. Sasuke thought with an evil grin.

Both looked at each other and smiled innocently before entering.

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