Chapter ~ 1

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I sat in the bleachers of the roaring gym, watching the game going on in front of me.

I watched as my partner tore up the other team with his powerful servers, the light blue 1 on his back letting me follow him through the court.

I heard the squeak of their shoes against the hardwood floor as they tried to catch the flying ball in the air.

I barely knew the rules of the game, but I knew that when the whistle rang throughout the space someone had scored a point.

I watched as everyone stood up around, my partner and his team huddling up happily. I stood up and clapped, realizing they won.

"Oikawa!" I shouted, waving to him with a smile on my face.

I watched him look up at me and wink while he waved.

I walked out of the gym, waiting outside.

I rubbed my arms quickly and I shivered, waiting for my partner to meet me like he always did after a game.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone shout to me, making me turn around. I smiled as I felt his warm big arms wrap around my body.

"Did you see me win?" He asked before letting me go, happiness and excitement in his eyes.

"I did, you looked so cool!" I smiled at him before feeling his fingers on my chin, his slightly rough lips pressing against mine.

"That makes me so happy to hear." He said, a sincere smile on my face.

I smiled back at him. Tooru was so sweet to me, he made time fly by...its like our assignment happened yesterday.

I remember how nervous I was when I sat in the auditorium, my fingers playing with the pleats in my black school skirt.

I remember feeling everyone's eyes on me as they called my name, asking me to step onto the stage.

I hated the feeling of having everyone stare at me as I waited for my future.

"(Y/n) (L/n). Occupation, florist. Partner, Tooru Oikawa." I heard over the speaker, a sense of relief flowing through me.

I enjoyed flowers anyway so I was very happy that I got an occupation dealing with flowers.

I forgot that my partner would have to step onto the stage wirh me though.

When I watched him step up onto the stage my heart started to race, he was that really cute guy that was in our school...every girl hoped that he would be their partner.

"Tooru Oikawa. Occupation, professional volleyball player. Partner, (Y/n) (L/n). Both of you have been given a set of rules and conditions. Please go back to your seat and read them." We both bowed before sharing a glance, my cheeks burning as he grinned towards me.

I sat back into my seat, feeling the glares of all the jealous girls as I opened up the rules and conditions. During this process we are given the basic rules and conditions along with a couple special ones.

I got to go to his games and cheer him on without penalty, and he gets to buy me flowers.

I watched as Oikawa pulled his hand out from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of pretty wildflowers and some daisy's.

"Oikawa! They're so pretty!" I squealed as I took the flowers from his hands, hugging them close to my chest.

"Anything for you my little cutie." He whispered before kissing my cheek. It truly was like heaven to be with Oikawa.

I wouldn't do our assignment over again.

He took my hand as we started to walk towards our housing areas.

He gently lifted my hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"The team captains are having a party on the borders. We can each being a plus one, so I thought I'd bring my little cutie with brag and to maybe break a couple rules if you know what I mean." He whispered, gently nibbling on my ear making me blush.

"The borders...are we gonna get in trouble?" I asked, ignoring the last part he said.

"Not if we get caught. Come on (Y/n)! We haven't been taught yet and we've been doing this since I was a first year! You need to loosen up a tiny bit sweetheart, it'll be good for you." He mumbled before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his frame.

I thought about it for awhile before finally giving in. "Fine! I guess it'll be good to know more people..I've never met anyone outside of our sector, and you got to meet whole groups!...It'll be fun."

I smiled up at him, watching his brown eyes watch mine. ", I'm still not sure about breaking any of those rules." I admired, nervously scratching my head.

He shrugged, keeping my cold body against his warm one. He must've noticed because he handed me his  team jacket which bore his name.

I took it and quickly wrapped it around my body, the sleeves being too long to fit my shorter arms.

"Fine by me, we have an entire lifetime to break rules. We can wait hun." He smiled before gently pecking my forehead.

I chuckled softly as he gave me a gentle forehead kiss, looking up at him as he pulled away.

"There's no need to be scared sweetheart, the captains aren't scary at all. Bokuto is very energetic and Ushijima is pretty quiet, but if you are scared I'll protect you! I promise!" He grinned at me as intently punched his shoulder.

"Oikawa, I'm a big girl I can take care of myself! I'm not gonna back out..even if I wanna leave, I heard theres a special flower in the borders that only blooms there! I wanna grab some of them and grow them at home." I started, excitement about the new flower.

I pouted as Oikawa just chuckled at the rumor. "You know, the great thing about having a partner that loves flowers is that you don't have to worry about what kind of gift to give you...if I find that flower, I'll keep it alive and give it to you when we have our ceremony."

He said, a cute smile on his face as he gently squeezed my hand, walking me to my house.


I'm really excited about this book! I'm sorry if you don't like Oikawa, I promise this is still a tendou x reader fic!

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