Chapter ~ 3

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I turned around to see the spiky red haired boy, a concerned look on his face.

"Oh..Tendou was it? Um, Oikawa brought me here as his plus one..but I only came for flowers."

I rubbed the back of my neck as a looked at the foreign blue flowers.

"Oh you must be a florist, I'm supposed to be a....uh teacher." He seemed very uncomfortable about that.

"Oh cool, well I maybe you might get the chance to teach my kids." I smiled at him before glancing at the flowers.

", I'm gonna to get my flowers." I started to go to the flowers, feeling a little bit awkward around Tendou.

"I should come with you, I'm pretty sure Oikawa would be mad if I let you be by yourself." He rubbed his shoulders as he started to walk beside me.

"Yeah I guess that makes sense.." I continued to walk to the small blue flowers that I've only ever seen in books.

"Sooo what are you gonna do with them?" He asked, trying to break the silence between us.

"Oh I'm gonna grab a couple and try to pollinate them..maybe do some cross pollination..stuff like that." I shrugged, kneeling down to the bright blue flowers.

I smiled as I took in the sweet almost surreal smell that came out of them. I gently rubbed the soft petals in between my fingers, a smile spreading across my face as the soft velvet type feel if the petals rubbed against my fingers.

I almost forgot that Tendou was standing behind me. I gently talked to the flowers before quickly and gently pulling them from the ground, wincing as I feel their pain.

I always hated hurting them but I knew this was something that needed to be done.

"I always hated doing this to them..they say that plants can feel pain, and I always felt so bad.." I bundled up the flowers before standing up and turning to Tendou.

I smiled down at the bright blue flowers. "They're so tiny but so bright, it makes me happy to look at them..I should show Oikawa!"

I walked back towards the fire with the flowers in my hand, hearing the movement of the grass behind me as Tendou followed behind me.

I ran up to Oikawa, hugging him tightly with the flowers still in my hands. "Hey cutie! What do you have there?" He asked as she hugged me back.

He must've felt the gentle petals against his back.

"I found those flowers I told you about that only grow in the Borders! Look at them." I smile softly as I held out the flowers to him.

"Oh wow (Y/n)! Those are so pretty love." He pressed a kiss against my forehead before looking behind me.

"What's wrong Tooru?" I asked, looking back to see Tendou standing there awkwardly.

"He didn't try anything did he?" He asked with a small hint of anger in his voice as his big strong hands pulled me against his strong frame.

"No no! He just made sure I didn't like hurt myself or anything, you know how clumsy I can be." I smiled up at Oikawa before pressing a kiss against his lips.

"Alright, I guess you can be pretty clumsy sometimes..I'm just glad he didn't hurt you." He hugged me tightly before kissing my head.

Tendou just cleared his throat before walking over to Ushijima, grabbing a red cup of the nasty drink.

Oikawa started to introduce me to everyone starting with Bokuto and Kuroo.

"Ya know your little lover boy here wouldn't stop talking about you during parties and captain hangouts." Kuroo said as Bokuto started to laugh at Oikawa blushing.

"That's so sweet of my lover boy." I chuckled softly as I intertwined my hand with his.

We continued to talk for the best of the part before sitting around the fire bokuto and Kuroo had started.

Kuroo, Bokuto, and Terushima were drunk and Oikawa was a little buzzed. Everyone else was either a tiny bit buzzed or not either.

I had my head on Oikawas shoulder, keeping his oversized jacket on me.

I felt the warmth of the fire on my face as I watched it illuminate the dark space around us.

Bokuto and Kuroo started to talk about different matches that they had between other schools.

I looked up at Oikawa as they started to talk about a match between them and Sejioh.

"I remember that match, that was about a week after the ceremony." I squeezed his big rough hand as I recalled the memory.

I was still a bit shy around him at the time since attention like that was something that was rare for me.

I remember all his fangirls screeching everytime he served and all I remember thinking of at the time was that he was mine from now til forever.

I remember how every time he scored a point he'd blow me a kiss and everytime the other team scored he'd still look up at me as if he was praying.

I loved it but was embarrassed by it al the same time. He barely knew me but he still acted like we knew each other since forever.

I looked up at Oikawa, pecking his lips gently. His kisses tasted like alchohol and chocolate but I didn't mind it at all.

I smiled as he pulled away, the brilliant and bright light of the fire kissing his soft skin.

"You know (Y/n)...I was gonna tell you later but I've been trying to push our jointment ceremony." He whispered to me, kissing the rim of my ear gently.

"You mean marriage?" Marriage was the old term that they used for the jointment ceremony and they used to be extravagant and extraordinary.

I always wanted to wear those big white ball gowns and I wanted to have Oikawa wear a fancy suit. I wanted a huge reception and a big cake.

"Yeah. It should happen within a year and a half..after I graduate." He kissed my cheek again before starting to squeeze my hand again.

"I wanted to wait so I could request a traditional wedding..but I have time to request one." I smiled up at him before kissing him again, enjoying the taste of his rough lips against mine.

I was excited for this..but something inside of me told me that this wasn't what was meant to happen, that maybe something else or someone else was waiting for me.

But Oikaes is my obvious soulmate, and he'll be the one I marry.

From now till the end of time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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