Blade Castle Defense

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In the castle of Planet Blade, Infinite sat on his throne in front of a group of Jackals bowing down to him.

Infinite: Jackals, the time has come to help our Star Children allies against their greatest enemy! Dark Star, the one who's destroyed both the Mushroom Kingdom and Inkopolis on Earth! We must all unite and work to our fullest to end Dark Star's reign of destruction and terror!

The Jackals raise their weapons and cheer.

Infinite: We've survived the impossible before! Let's show Dark Star that we're no longer taking any of his abuse!

Jackal Swordsman: I'm ready to end his rampage!

Jackal Spearman: He's done enough damage!

Infinite: Soon, we give Dark Star a taste of his own medicine, and he'll see the pain he's caused to others!

The Jackals cheer again.

Crystal: *Walks up to Infinite and kisses his cheek*

Infinite: Oh! *Blushes*

Crystal: *Giggles*

Infinite: Heh heh.

Turco sits in one of the nearby rooms, feeling a little uneasy. Jen then walks in and notices Turco's face.

Jen: Are you okay, sweetie?

Turco: ...No... I... I fear something...

Jen: Huh?

Turco: ...I sense something coming... Something's gonna attack soon...

Jen: o_o

Turco: The energy I'm sensing... It's evil... His army is coming...

Jen: Oh, shit.

Turco: ... *Walks out of the room* Infinite...

Infinite: Yes?

Turco: I sense evil coming... The castle is soon gonna be under attack...

Infinite: I sense it too. No worries, bro.

Turco: Alright...

Infinite: Us Jackals can handle just about anything.

Turco: Set up a hell of a defense... It's coming from all angles...

Infinite: ...We already have done.

Turco: Okay...

Infinite: Now, go get ready.

Turco: *Nods*

Infinite continues to sit on his throne as he sharpens his sword.

Turco: *Walks into the back room* Alright, everyone, what are we gonna do with the Time Star? An attack is coming soon, and we need to defend it.

Infinite: Hmm...

Turco: We have two Stars. Time and Mind.

Smesh: Wait, who has the Mind Star?

Infinite: Wasn't her name Starla?

Turco: Yeah. I told her to come down here with some of the Elite Star Children.

Infinite: Alrighty.

Meanwhile, far away in space, 50 airships full of Cultists and Ztar Clones fly towards Planet Blade.

Violet: Ah, Planet Blade.

Scarlet: Grrr... I hate that place...

Violet: This shall be interesting...

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