Mini Chapter: Rainbows

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Laura: 98... 99... Ngh, one more Rainbow Medal left!

Luna: We got it, sis!

Laura: Oh?

Luna runs into the room, holding the last Rainbow Medal.

Laura: Ah, good! Hehe!

Luna: And the Rainbow Light ores are in their way!

Laura: Great! I'll extract the Rainbow Light, and we'll destroy that barrier! Dark Bowser will pay for killing my father and for causing so much harm to the Stars!

Luna: *Nods*

Star is looking at a history book she salvaged from the Star Shrine before it fell to Dark Bowser.

Star: ...Whoa... Lots of cool stuff in here...

Lizzie: Whatcha lookin' at, sis?

Star: Hey, sis! It's a history book of the Stars!

Lizzie: Oohh!

Star: Yeah!

Lizzie: What have you found?

Star: Just like back in our home Multiverse, Daddy fought and killed a whole group of Titans!

Lizzie: :O

Star: It even shows a small story if the last war against Dark Star several centuries ago. Daddy was only a month old.

Lizzie: Whoa... Let's look at more!

Star: Way ahead of you!

The children continue to look through the history of the Stars. The last of the Ranbow Light ore gets dropped off at the castle.

Infinite: Alright! We gottem!

Smesh: Now to extract this stuff.

Laura: Leave that to me! I can get it all out safely.

Tarica: :3

Infinitia: Good thing this event isn't happening back home.

Tarica: And what a relief. I don't need any more Darkess Star bullshit.

Infinitia: Exactly.

Laura stands next to the pile of Rainbow Medals and Rainbow Light ores.

Laura: Here goes nothing... Stand back, everyone. And summons some shields. This stuff is VERY bright.

Luna: *Summons a shield of Hope and protects herself, Snow, Raiko, and Clark*

Jacqueline: *Makes a shield over herself, Cristina, and Smesh*

Jen: *Summons an ice shield over herself*

Future Comet: *Makes a stone shield over himself, Percy, and Future Emilia*

Infinite: *Stabs his sword into the ground and summons a shield over everyone else*

Laura: And now...

Laura starts glowing, as does the Ranbow Medals and Rainbow Light ores.

Everyone: :O


The Star Goddess glows a rainbow color, as the Rainbow Light starts being extracted from the medals and ores.

Infinite: Holy Jesus...

Diggory: That's pretty...

TC: Ooohhh...

After several minutes of extracting, all the Rainbow Light gathers up and forms one giant ball of Rainbow Light.

Smesh: WOW!

Cristina: HOLY SHIT!

Percy: *Smiles*

Comet: :O

Laura: ;3

Infinite: Whoa...

Laura: ...With this ball of Rainbow Light, we can destroy the barrier and attack Dark Star's sorry excuse of a shrine!

Luna: Hehehehe!

Tarica: *Nods*

With the villains...

Final Dark Bowser: ...They're coming...

Violet: ?

Anthony77: Hmm?

Final Dark Bowser: Those heroes... They found a way to get them through this barrier...

Scarlet: Uh oh...

Ztar: Grrr!

Kylie: We gotta stop them!

Final Dark Bowser: I suppose it is time to release the trapped souls of the Star God's parents...

Final Dark Bowser vanishes, then reappears with two black fireballs.

Scarlet: Those the souls?

Final Dark Bowser: Yep. They are completely corrupted with my Ztar Radiation, and they will assist us.

Final Dark Bowser allows the tortured souls to float in the air, as they release black clouds and shapeshift into two humans, each completely choked with Ztar Radiation. Turco's mother, Aurora, and his father, Neo.

Radiated Aurora: ...

Radiated Neo: ...

Scarlet: >:D

Final Dark Bowser: They are most likely gonna gather up every single soldier in their armies and stage an all-out assault on us. I already have tons of our Cultists already guarding the outer area of the barrier. If the heroes do manage to break through, the rest of us will join in and fight back.

Purple Alloy: Sounds like a plan.

Violet: ...

Final Dark Bowser: Get ready, my allies... The Grand Finale approaches...

(Here come the heroes...)

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