Crazy Frog

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Ritas POV:

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head, what was I doing? I remember and suddenly reached for my gun but was restricted. My hands were tied behind my back. I hear a chuckle..The Toad!

"Where am I? What the fuck do you want you big slimy airbag!"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? You did come to my lair armed."

He said as he span my gun around his finger.

"I'm not scared of you and your stubby cock"

"I know you aren't, but you should be scared of what I make you do.."

"What do you mean? I have a boyfriend!"

"No no, don't flatter yourself and your small biddies."

I looked down at my chest...

"I think I have something worse than death for you."

The Toad said as he came closer when saying that, hand behind his back.

"What the fuck do you want green fat head cretin?"

He pulled a pocket watch from behind his back.

"Nice watch degenerate"

He didn't speak, just swung the watch in front of my face. Back and forth and back and forth and ba- The next thing I knew, I was this is something different bruh. It's like I am watching my own life take place. I hear muted speaking, it was too muffled to make out what he was saying.I began to sit back up, but in the same state, watching my own life take place. I was confused, the Toad had a smirk sitting upon his face. He went behind the chair I was tied to and began untying my hands. I got up and started walking around, but I wasn't doing it, it's like I'm being controlled. I began sprinting again, this time I really had no clue where I was going. I hear wet footprints behind me. My pace in walking slowed down, was I near my house? Suddenly I stopped, letting the Toad catch up. Still not in control, my body turns the corner, arriving at my home. My arm reaches for the gun, aiming it, I kick through the door. I feel myself crying, me, not the person controlling me, but really me crying:(. I want to scream but I can't, I'm not doing this. Everything was in slow motion, Cerys and Roddy looked up, they froze. Their faces blank, my gun pointed at Cerys, handshaking, Toad looming over me. I pull the trigger, I don't, my body does, I can't stop it, I try screaming, nothings happening, the bullet fires.

Cerys' POV:

Roddy and I decided not to go after Rita, moments later, I realised that was a mistake. I didn't want to get in her way, but that led to demise. My hands in Roddy's, Rita bust through the door, gun aimed at me. Tears began speeding down her face, opposing her physical actions. She fired. I couldn't move. I didn't have time to process. Before I knew it, Roddy pushed me out of the way.  His dick, his monster cock, his chode, the one that throbbed and thrived the size of my head, his best quality, HIS COCK WAS SHOT. Why not his head..WHY HIS COCK. Anywhere but his dong, his veiny, beautiful dong. I was lifeless, not moving, crying, sobbing. Before I had time to realise what just happened. Rita fell to the floor, blood surrounding her, a knife in her back, and a fat head green toad behind her. Not any toad..but The Toad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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