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(Y/n) P.O.V

Both Aizawa and I missed Monday because of my parent's trial. They will both be in prison for a long time and Aizawa will officially adopt me Friday.

I wake Tuesday in the warm arms of my daddy. Even though I didn't ask or call him with a nightmare, he wanted to stay with me last night. He was worried about me due to the stress of seeing my parents again. Surprisingly, I woke up before him. I look up and hold back a giggle when I see his brows furrowed. I reach up and gently rub the wrinkles between his eyebrows.

Without opening his eyes, he chuckles, "Has Baby Girl noticed that Daddy sleeps with a scowl on his face?" I pull my hand away and giggle. I tap his chest to let him know I want to talk to him so he opens his eyes.

Daddy has a funny face when he sleeps. I giggle again. Daddy reaches for his phone to check the time.

"C'mon Princess, time to get up and ready for school." I shake my head and curl into Daddy's chest. "Princess, it's time for school. C'mon, Daddy will get you ready. Do you want Daddy to braid your hair today?" I nod. "Okay, you need to get up so Daddy can braid your hair." Reluctantly, I sit up and let Daddy off the bed. He takes me to the bathroom and brushes my teeth before taking me back to my room and getting me into my uniform. Daddy takes his uniform and changes in the bathroom. When he comes out, he grabs my brush and hair ties before sitting behind me, "What braid do you want today, Princess?"

Rope braid.

"Okay, princess. Do you want one or double?"


"Sure thing, Princess. Do you want to try to be big while I do your hair." I nod, knowing I need to be big for school. When Katsuki finishes my hair, I've slipped out of my little space. We grab our things and head down to breakfast.

Due to our friends sleeping in, we didn't get a chance to talk to them until lunch. On our way to the lunchroom, Kaminari comes up behind us, wrapping an arm around each of us. The sudden touch causes me to jump, "Sooo Bakubro, you didn't go back to your room last night. Was a whole weekend to yourselves not enough for you two love birds?" Bakugou pushes him off both of us.

"Don't touch her or me and whatever you're implying stop it. Whether or not I went back to my room last night, has nothing to do with anything. I probably would have woken up there no matter where I first fell asleep last night." Katsuki puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him. Ashido runs in front of us and walks backwards to face us.

"You two are so cute. With how physical you are at school, you can not tell me you weren't during the weekend."

It was just hugs, cuddles, and small kisses. We aren't like making out. Katsuki blushed watching me.

"You didn't have to tell them that. It's none of their business what we do behind closed doors." Ashido squeaks.

"Oh my god. It is soooo cute how you can get Bakugou to blush with just little things."

We grab our lunch and sit at our normal table. Katsuki, as always, doesn't add much to the conversation. I stand and grab my bag, I'll be right back.

"Where are you going?" Katsuki asked.

Bathroom. I point to my bag, I'll be quick. He nods and goes back to eating. I head to the bathroom and deal with what needed to be done.

I leave the bathroom, but don't make it very far before there is a pull on one of my braids. I'm pulled around a corner and pushed against a wall. An older, more muscular boy is standing over me, holding me in place. I try to push him off me, but I'm not strong enough to do anything. He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Hey Sweetheart. You're with that Bakugou guy, right? I'm a third-year in class B. It's so unfair that, that brat gets such a cutie. What do you say, give senpai a taste of what you give that bastard?" I shake my head and keep trying to push him off me. "I'm not hearing a no." He places a hand on my thigh and starts to run it up under my skirt. I start to panic.

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